August 02, 2010


mr. bofwen and i have known each other since we were in form 4. that was back in 2001 when girls and boys were not meant to look eyes to eyes with each other, apatah lagi to mingle around. among those 1001 silly rules we had to follow while we were in mrsm.

we may have started way too early but hey, we still managed to passed all of our exams with flying colours. alhamdulillah. (partly, i think, due to mama's phonecall to mr.bofwen and warned advised him to spend less time on the phone with me because both of us need to concentrate on the coming big exams! she gave him a damn hard time hihihi).

but the price we had to pay?
7 years of long-distance relationship (LDR).

honestly i don't think i will still be in this soon-turning-9-year-old relationship IF i didn't meet mr.bofwen. i can be soooo annoying and demanding sometimes (ok if he has the password to this blog, i'm sure he'll change it to most of the time. ngehhhhh) but he remains calm and cool. hardly melenting! - which scares me a bit coz i'm sure that i'll be dead meat if he ever mengamuk one day!

so thank you, mr bofwen for staying by my side, through thick and thin for the past 9 years. thank you for not giving up on me.

....and i'm happy to announce that LDR is so over, people!!! *throw confetti*
mr.bofwen got HKL for his housemanship practice. alhamdulillah. now i shall pray that i'll get one of the selangor hospitals as i definitely can't bear anymore LDR. *fingers crossed*


Sherzamm said...

ash this is so sweeet :)...i berdoa u dpt hospital kl/selangor jugakk..u guys should be near each other......

fingers crossed babe!

dira said...

awhh so happy for u Ash! please please please no more LDR for u. and so that *we* get to see u more often too hehe.

all ze best!

ashieBee said...

thank you, girls!!!!! tulah, dh malas sangat dah nak ldr-business ni. plus jauh dgn friends sumer oso...doa-doa lah yeeeee :))


Myra said...

i'm so happy for you Ash!!! *huggggg* and i fahammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

insyaAllah dpt hospital dekat dan best for u two! :D :D

ashieBee said...

yes myraaa, u pun LDR juge!! thanks for understanding :D

semoga mulut u masinnn; dpt hosp dekat2! amin!