August 13, 2009

Japan 3: Street Fashion

it felt as if a whole new world of Japanese fashion has revealed itself in tokyo. their styles are wayyyy different than ours! i was dumbstruck when i first saw it with my own two eyes. separuh tu...pelik jugak lah!

our curiosity has lead us to harajuku and check out the cosplayers - which we then find it hard to resist from snapping these "unique" fashion and share it with all of you. *cheeky grins*

some fashionistas spotted:

# (sweet) lolita-look; influenced by Victorian clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period. It consists primarily of a knee length skirt/dress, headdress, blouse, petticoat, knee high socks/stockings, and high heel/platform shoes.

# kogal-look; the word is a contraction of kokosei gyaru which means high school girl. the theme is simple - it involves wearing an outfit based on the Japanese school uniform but with a shortened skirt, platform boots or long socks up to the knee (normally loose and baggy). copious makeup and expensive accessories will be used as well.

# ganguro-look; an alternative fashion trend of blonde/ orange hair and tanned skin among japanese women. the extreme one will have really weally dark tans skin, white lipstick, and white eye make-up. sorry, tak sempat amik pictures of their faces *pout*

# the famous high bun; it reminds me of orang baru bersalin dalam pantang. *giggle*

# punk anyone?

...errr i think i will just stick to the traditional yukata. i am not THAT daring to be different. instead i am more of the sweet-yyy type, no? *laughs*

ohkay, gotta pack and i'm off to penang! dating-mode ON *cheeky smiles*


~d!N@~ said...

Ashhhh!!! Sugoii-nya japannnn!!!! One day I pown nak gi Japan gak and get to see all those kawaii and kakkoi people and culture.
Bila u coming back to London?
Enjoy your holiday xxx
Jya~ ne =)

ashieBee said...


you should go dinaaa, seriously! u will appreciate it even more kot, since u and dila rajin tgk anime2 tu kan. hihihi. i'll be reaching london on 30th august ptg. hope to catch up with u soon lah, for some berbuka puasa maybe? plus, i got some food from japan for u. claim cpt2 ;))

ummi nasir said...

japan is greattttt.. i love japan when it come to fashion.5 years in japan buat i terikut2 fashion rambut pantang..heheh