April 20, 2008

when all you want is ONE MORE saturday


1. across the universe
2. little miss sunshine
3. the rock

... i had a lazy saturday! :))
when the F-words are those that made me happy.
F for food. F for friends. F for fun.
F for....?


h.3.l.3.n said...

haha comel comel!!! my blog pun kalah!

lets do this more often!!!!!!!!!!!!

ashieBee said...


errr makan luar kenot do that often la, leter we might end up bankrupt! ahahahahaha. but once a month sounds ok. try out new restaurant then cari dessert. weiii, bawa i pegi ciao. nak makan ice cream **teringat cerita smlm!hahahaha**

helen, once it is sunnier, brighter, and warmer..lets have a picnic. or bbq maybe? syiok weii! then can snap more picchas. and zul can practice on his "attitude" face. hahahahahaha :P and owh, since org tu dh ade guitar, bole lah tunjuk skill seround! kan kan kan?

ashieBee said...

ehh *later* aiyayayayaya!

Sherzamm said...

woiiii gbr curry laksa tu mengairahkan bie! slurrrpp. hehehe

h.3.l.3.n said...

ya picnic is a great idea.. depending on the weather.. haha with zul and his guitar.. see if he impresses any1.. (hujung2 we hav to pay some gals to pretend to be impressed to boost his ego..)

Anonymous said...

F for fishhhhhhhhhhh heheheheh.. :)

ashieBee said...

::bii:: yummilicious *big grins* jom hare&tortoise. :))

::helen:: hahahaha poor zul kene kutuk here. kehkehkeh. sorry dude! but then like he said, only deaf ppl will enjoy his guitar show. and topped up by fatiha, org pekak yg angau dkt zul will enjoy the show. lol

::nono:: fish reminds me of ikan keli. gosh rindu ikan keli sambal :(( -mengidam-mode ON- nono la ni buat i mengidammmmmmmmm!!!!!

Anonymous said...

cis..tak baca for a few days terus kena kutuk..takpe takpe..

shld make this outing thingy more often la guys..cuaca menarik skrg nih..boleh la i tunjuk bakat i yang tak seberapa ni.as long as u guys bawak earplug,sure u guys enjoy punye..haha..