April 23, 2008


Got a habit that i need to break. Trying to quit an addiction/ obsession/ infatuation/ affection and some sort of feelings towards something. Terasa macam kene masuk rehab pulak :P although I've never been to one lah! heh. Once you have it, you will always want it. You can't control it. It feels incomplete, as if something is missing without it. You already knew that you can't have it (and no matter how bad you want it) because you know that it'll only bring more harms to you. sigh. It's hard la weiiii :((

open your eyes. open your eyes. wacky wacky **smack**

ps- youuuuuuuuu.... GOOD LUCK for tomorrow, esok, luse, tulat, julat sampai ahad :))

pps- currently semangat-less. been listening to the zikir2 in Imeem. they remind me of after-solat maghrib dekat surau MRSM PC and college.