April 26, 2008

does she knows?

...she was expecting for a surprise, that's for sure! eleh, konon-konon je "to me, birthday is just like other normal day" statement. kodi tauuuuuuuu :P

midnight birthday celebration seems so normal, tak interesting already *sigh*
so we opted for something luar biasa.
something tak pernah di buat dek orang?
nope, it involved neither flour nor eggs.
we had cheesecake fight instead.
see that coming? ;)

steamboat was yummiliciously fun! got udang, ikan, sotong, telur, mussels (eeeee im allergic to you!), dumpling, vegie, urmmm dan banyak lagi! you put it in the cooker, then u chat while waiting. we had loads of crappy, intellectual conversation :))

E- eat more mussels; it helps to produce more sperms.
F- thank you but I have enough already.


E- Jacuzzi can kill your sperms.
A- Really? **very shocked expression**
F- yerpyerpyerp. the heat is just too damn hot la wei!
A- gosh, tanak la bawa husband i mandi jaccusi then
F- eeeeeee sekali sebulan oklah! banyak2 sperm you nak buat ape? tamak betul!
A- kenot bazir ok! u'll never know when you need it ;)

bongok giler ok! hahahahaha

ps- special thanks to EK for volunteering himself to go and buy the barang2 mentah from billingsgate market di awal pagi. and THANK YOU H for preparing everything for us!!!! you're the best~


h.3.l.3.n said...

welcome welcome.. u guys helped also wad.. thx for coming for the steamboat..

apasal zul rama kabur2 ni.. kecian them.. haha

and THX to u n fat for organising today's picnic!!

ashieBee said...


because you're the star of that steamboat day, so u get most of the shine lor. while z and r kabur2 only! hehehehehe.

thanks again babe!