April 27, 2008

press pause please

rewind can bring me back to yesterday's sunny, sweaty, smiling saturday
probably pause can make yesterday be an everyday :))
but should we hold on to time?
or save the old memories, and create the new ones?

semalam baru ku sedar, rupa-rupanya
+ outdoor lepak-ing is fun with great friends, great food, great weather!

+ we need grab&go food for picnic.
+ footie match girls v guys aiyoh! we.confirm.kalah.
+ i STILL cant cross the road without holding somebody's hand if greenman takde :((
+ i suke di"kongkang". nak lagi pls?
+ berkata2 dgn penuh sopan santun, ppl will find it hard to say no,boleh blah.
+ you're my sunshine. you make me happy.
+ i loike ABC! but i love cendol MORE (...pls bawa i minum cendol august ni yg sedap kawkaw sure nanges nye bile makan. anyone?)
+ the people you are with keep you sane, full and happy!

thanks for making my saturday~!!!

have a great week ahead peeps! and be good ok? -xoxo-


h.3.l.3.n said...

our saturdays keep getting better and better ya???

byk gamber u buli me.. i dukung u, u mau curi my chips.. and u sepak my butt!!!

this sat confirm we must go out again!!!

thx to u n fatiha for planning the picnic again!!! superbbbb~~

-MujedN- said...

budak2 queen marry...i just want to say i miss u all esp budak yg suke kongkang :) to zul..sian man u kalah..jgn la sedih sampai tak pi skola..anyway still have chance to beat chelsea..

ashieBee said...

::helen::i think all the pics showed org yg dibuli and membuli. zul kene buli by menaka, and kene "pau" by me for ABC. heheheheheh :P but yeah, this saturday, we have a date again *winkwink*

::mujid::hahahahaha lawak lah u! mcm buat speech dedication pulaks :P zul tkya tunggu mu kalah, kadang2 mmg ade unofficial hols, no? ngeheheheheh

F. said...


Anonymous said...

i paling teruk dibuli btw...to mujid,takpe la, at least Arsenal dapat 3rd place,not bad la tu...

ashieBee said...

::nono:: memang seronokssss :)) unfortunate for us in the UK, the sun is like a luxury thing. u cant have it all the time mcm dkt msia **sigh** so semua jadi hyperhappy when it's out!!!!

::zul:: eh helloooo tolong sket ok! sape yg dptkan meja utk u minum ABC dkt satay house at 1030pm??? :P kehkehkeh. but thanks dude. bak kate org, rezeki jgn ditolak. u offered, i terima-ed **grins** ehhhh u kene buli ape lg? *berkerut2*