April 19, 2008


....perhentian or redang?
**tough decision**


Anonymous said...

i think perhentian will be a good idea n make sure u see when u're back k...

ashieBee said...

idrinaaaa dearie :))

sudah lama tidak ketemu kamu di sini. sombong lah uuuu :P hehehehehe. perhentian better than redang isit? hmmm tulah. my sis mcm undecided nak book mana satu for our family yearly vacation. plan nakgi august ni. ok kah? weather wise, i mean.

hehehehe.u kan always pegi beach holiday. i tgk pics mcm best jeeeee! jealous. i can't wait to blk msia. august insyallah. we should go out for lunch or something lah babe :))


Anonymous said...

ash! redang is bigger than perhentian, but its further and takes more 'nauseatious' time in the ferry around 40mins. perhentian around 20 mins by speed boat. however, berjaya redang is big, exclusive and mmg cantik.. perhentian is however smaller and more secluded...but ramai giler mat sallehs... anyway its up to u...

ashieBee said...

itu die org terengganu dh meng"explain" hehehehehe! :))

babe, mana yg lebih cantek? yg worth going? yg confirm tangkap leleh ar terharu biru tgk the scenery gitu. ahahhaaa. ke same je due2?


Anonymous said...


i x sombong....been busy with exams and clearance and stuff. Now,enjoying the holidays...hehe

both pun cantik but my cousin kater perhentian nicer....anyway, ill be leaving for melbourne on the 1st of july till 3rd august...

see u after i blk k..must see u tau..:)


Anonymous said...

hello hello!when are u leaving for any of the two pulaus?
make sure u'll be there for my wedding reception can ke?hehe.sibuk kan i?i tau.i mmg suke sibuk.reserve ur 9th of aug okay?

ashieBee said...

::idrina:: wokeh set, we have a date babe!bring me out for makan ok :))

::azreen:: omg yessss ur big day in august! bestnyeee nak kawin ;) of course i dtg insyallah. just tell me what time, where, and who else going. i malu nak dtg sorang2 hehehehe

omg u nak kawin dahhhhhhhh!!!!!