April 17, 2008

cekodok kronkkronk :))

How something so healthy turns into
**notty grins**

ps-the more you can't have it or shouldn't have it, the MORE your heart yearn, ached for it! is that normal human nature? or is it just that something that is worth keeping, doesn't come easily and you need to fight for it?


-MujedN- said...

hehe sedapnye cekodok awak..bile nak buat lagi utk saya..cepatla balik..u kene masak utk i nanti k..i mengidam ayam halia and sweet sour..cepat..:)

ashieBee said...

kenot kenot kenot

cekodok is sooooo tk healthy ok! kenot buat slaloo. seasonal food :P kehkehkeh! oooo i mengidam keropok lekor nyumnyum :)) makan utk i pleaseeee?