April 14, 2008

GAMBLE- "Trying things to see if they work"

Experience is definitely the best teacher in life. But it comes with an expensive tuition fees. The question is, are you willing to pay for it?


that's why we are so afraid of making wrong choices. we spend more time worrying of the outcome. imagining all the impressions made by others. the expectations and frustrations yadda yadda.... haihhhh~!!!!

so we tried to play safe. not to risk anything.

a life spent making mistakes is more useful than a life spent doing nothing. at least you'll get the experience and learn from it to be a better person, no? so you're unsure, i can see that. maybe it's complicated shits that you're going through. it will (definitely!) be tough now but eventually things will get better. after all, when you're honest to yourself about the things that make you happy, you're unlikely to be wrong. and who knows what you're missing out just because you don't have the guts to take the risk?! ;) rugi kaaaaaan?

ps- raise your head up high. put a big smile on your face. be nicer to people. it's good for your heart and soul.have a great week ahead, people!


Anonymous said...

i like this post.will try to make full use of my time at hospital in practising all the clinical skills n stuff..wifout fear of making a fool of myself.

ashieBee said...


u tk ponteng2 lagi ke? :P

Anonymous said...

saya suka entri ini!!!!!!!!! yada yada. lama jugak u tak ber'thought'-'thought' ni.. :P

ashieBee said...

lama tk ber"thought-thought" sbb.... creative juice takde lah. life has been pretty boring and mundane laaaa. everything is just sooo routine; clinic clinic clinic. *haihhhhh* :((

h.3.l.3.n said...
