April 13, 2008

Caught in an episode of life

the first to apologise doesn't mean he/she had been defeated.

Maybe we don't need that certain people and their dramas...but what determines whether the person is worth of keeping or not? Should you hold on? Should you let go? How do you hold on to them? Or how do you let go of their hands?

Don't you think that people are fated or in some way "connected" to you the moment they step into you life? Things happen for a reason kaaaan? At this point probably you can't see why but someday, in the future, you'll get the answer ;) As for now, just go with flow and we'll see where the future lies between that stranger and you. Sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

"Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you."
Richard Bach

"In this world of ordinary people, extraordinary people
In this world of overrated pleasures and underrated treasures
...I'm glad there is you."
Jamie Cullum

i dreamt of holes in my mouth. i woke up with horror, scared that it might be true. i'm so not losing my amalgam-virgin-teeth! not now...not yet!


Anonymous said...

hahahah lucu gila mimpi you ashie!

ashieBee said...

u gelakkan i??? ceeetttt :P

ahahahahha mmg agak kodi sket ar my dream. tp giler scary weiihhhhh!!! tk tipoooo. i rase mcm nak nangis je... semasa mimpi and setelah terjaga dr mimpi!!!! ;)