"If you go in search of honey, you must expect to encounter the bees."
Thomas Szasz
It's 3.20 in the morning now. I should be sleeping by now or i wont wake up for my anatomy practical self-revision tomorrow. But i still cant wake mujid up for his subuh prayer *sigh* This guy tido mati betul tau! iskh333....
Final exam is just around the corner. One and half-week from now. Am i prepared?All i can say is im thankful if i can remember atleast 3/4 of what i've read. To be able to recall 100% of everything seems so impossible and it needs more than miracle for that to happen. Trust me!!! One week from now, im gonna live in hell...on the way to heaven (hopefully. amin). I have 5 papers non-stop for the whole week..shisshhh!!! I wonder who arranged the schedule...die ingat, sikitlah kan benda we, dentists kena hafal. Sampaikan boleh cramp everything within one week... Giler pls??? Arrghhh GOD, please help me...help help!
Me...stress?? hahaa... semua orang kot!!! Even if i tried to hide my kecuakan , my body detected the stress before hand.
2) headache
3) you feel tired when you get up in the morning
4) makan seperti BABI...alalala!
2) headache
3) you feel tired when you get up in the morning
4) makan seperti BABI...alalala!
So dikala i ke'stress'an tadi, i did some bloghopping and guess what i found? A cooking blog :) Sangat cool sebab ade banyak giler recipes in there and i really weally liiiikeeeeeee!!!!!The cakes look really niicee and tempted giler nak cuba. I found the recepi that i've been searching for; blackforest cake. Nak try nak try tapiiii after exam lah kot! Insyallah! So 2 more weeks in hell and then say hello to the heaven of cakes!!! YinHui and Yilun will die because of diabetes kot nanti...hahaha!

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