It makes my heart sick when i remember all the good words and the broken promises :'( I wonder why people make promises that they can hardly fulfill? Was it semata-mata to sedapkan hati the other pihak? Or do they make promises for the pleasure of breaking them? Hmmm yang pastinye omg, I HATE IT BILE ORANG MUNGKIR JANJI!!!!!!! serious.
If it happens once or twice, oklah...bole lah dimaafkan. If it happens like dah ber'zillion' kali, do you think they deserve any forgiveness?It my life dictionary, the answer is NO!!!!!!
This morning you promised to call your mum tonight.Maybe sebab letih kot study petang tadi, rase malas la plak nak call.Ala, esok-esok jelah...tak larinya mak tuh.And takkan la mak nak marah sgt sebab tak call harini? Benda kecik je nih.-->That's true. Tapi hmm have you ever wonder how does your mum felt when you do that? Have it ever cross your mind that she might have other plans for that day but cancelled everything so she can talk to you? If she can spare some of her time to wait, why cant you spare some of your time to keep your promises?
OK this is a crappy example but it's the only one that i can think of right now.*My brain is pretty occupied nowadays. Shishhh no more space for unimportant data....nyahnyahnyah :P* What i'm trying to say here is, when you give away your promises to someone, you give hope and possibilities for the future. And if you break it, you'll lose the trust from that person. Dont you dare telling me that it's unfair! It hurts tau if orang mungkir janji dengan you. You waited macam orang bodoh.... tipah tertipu, bang!!!!
"Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep."
Denis Waitley
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