May 07, 2006

Im officially OFF duty

"Life is like riding a bicycle.It's impossible to maintain your balance while standing still."
Linda Brakeall

1 more week to my final exam. I guess this will be the last post....until i end my exam on friday 19th May. I should keep my mind on my exam instead of writing here .Eventhough actually i think blogging is the food for your soul....letting go of your inner thoughts which you cant tell others coz you're not sure whether do they want to listen or not. Hmm you choose to read this post, wasn't me who force YOU to do it ;) Focus Rashidah, focus!!!!!

Just now we had small party cakes in our flat. YinHui baked 2 cakes;
chocolate-cheesecake and banana cake. And i tried the new recepies which i got from the blog :) I made Chocolate Torte cake and Minty Chocolate Truffle. Everything sedap, yummy and chocolateeeyyyy.... The truffle is definitely a recepi worth keeping*thumbs up* Yilun made her first muffin! Thanks yilun!!!!! *i know you dont like baking....hehehe. sorry to trouble you!*

Tomorrow MSoc voting day. Dont feel like going. Dont ask why :( dont want to talk about it. Dont want to think about it. Whatever nak jadi, jadilah. Thing happens for a reason, riiiteeee? So wuteverlah.... bluerk!!!!!

Im officially off duty now. Good luck for your exams!!!! Work that when we come out of the exam hall, we will NOT say,"Ermm i think i've read it somewhere but not so sure lah..." or "Shisshhh i wished i've concentrate more on that topic" or "omg omg susahnyerrr....risaunyer!" or "I think im gonna fail lar..." :) :) :)

see you guys in 2 weeks time!!!! im off! Nerding-mode FULL BLAST!!!


Lotsa love; AshieBee

"Luck is the dividend of sweat; the moreyou sweat, the luckier you get."
Ray Kroc

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