The war ended today. I should be happy yeah but then, i didnt end it really well. Instead, i end it with 'style'. Aiyoooo it was really-weally embarassing i tell you. Today we had our clinical exam; where you have 10 bays with 10 different tasks that you have to complete. We had to perfomed tooth polishing at bay 4. And the bay had this different machine than the one we used during practice. So i started to lar to insert this brush into the machine? Salahmachine ke i amik? Rasenye memang betul...haihhh!!!!!! Then the thing still wont come in... I told myself, maybe i salah amik machine. So i took the other one next to it...and guess what? That machine is for the water and air-spray. And you can guess what happened when i push the button. Yup, air tu memancut keluar. HA-HA-HA lawak yang memalukan diri sendiri. I bet im gonna be the bahan cerita utk junior2 akan dtg....omg!!! That time i nearly broke down coz i've messed up that bay. I'll definitely fail for that task :'( The examiner gelak jer.... sabar jelah!!!!!! The rest of the bays were fairly ok; i knew the concept. I hope i'm able to cover balik the stupid-bloody tooth polishing machine yang mem'fail' kan iiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to write more but i have to go now. Have to get ready... The dentists are going to catch the premier of "The DaVincci Code"... :) Results will be out in 2 weeks time. I have to prepare myself mentally and emotionally to accept it no matter what happens. I've worked hard (i think!) so now im gonna leave the rest to Allah. Pray for me yeah?????
"Ya Allah, sekiranya ada rezeki di langit maka turunkannya, jika ada di bumi maka keluarkannya, jika jauh maka perdekatkannya dan jika adanya hampir maka permudahkannya."
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