But i havent really melepak in my room during the whole weekand. Havent qada' my sleep; that's for sure. On fri night, we went to catched the premier of The DaVinci Code and came back at around 2.30am. I would say, it would be better and nicer if you read the book coz yeah you know, you cant really put all the details in a movie right? Coz if they do, it wont be a movie anymore... jadi series kot! It will take ages to finish :P
On saturday, we had a dual location BBQ. At first we went to the lawn infront of our flat (yesss! Finally we managed to ber'BBQ' there sbb time exam everybody was doing that...and the smoke really distracted us!cissss!). Then suddently hujan :'( so we had to moved to my place. And guess what, baru je nak start makan, suddently blackout. Aiyooo sile lah we had to eat in the dark. Luckily i didnt choke myself while eating the ikan bakar :) This time i baked Souffle Cheesecake for menaka's 21st celebration. Happy birthday dear <3
Sunday was meant for shopping :) i liiiikeeeeee! It was really wet in the morning; the rain was no ordinary rain. Really weally heavy :( so yinhui, fatiha, yilun and i decided not to join the picnic. We went to Oxford Street instead. weeeeee~ after soooo long tak bershopping, i feel good. nananananananaa.... i know that i would now. So good, so good...i got you!!!! ngehehehe! Since i have alot of time to waste nowadays, i didnt shop alot on Sunday. Have to save some for the days to come ;)Today ilford anybody? hehe.... Takecare everybody and have a nice day! -muaks-
"You cant seperate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom."
Malcolm X
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