April 09, 2006

So schweeettttt.......

"For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you dont enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are that you're not going to be very happy. If someone bases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amount of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to paris, that person isnt going to be much happy of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness."
Andy Rooney

I spent nearly my whole evening leparking with the girls; ijah, taj and liza at ijah's place. She cooked lunch for us. And it was simply marvelous..yumyum!!! She wanted to cook for taj as her belated birthday celebration (she was holiday-ing that time....she wouldnt miss the birthday party on purpose. kan ijah kan?). But me being the normal 'penyibuk' dengan tak tahu malunye mencucuk ijah supaya mengajak i jugaks. nyahnyahnyah~lalalala! So there i was, in her kitchen, meratah ikan bakar yang super duper sedap. omg i soooo cinta kepada fish!!!! She cooked nasi daging (is that what you called it ar?) and chicken curry and mixed vegie and makrel bakar and we had triffle (thanks to liza!) and icecream!!!! Yeay~she bought it especially for me (awww i terharu...sobsob) after reading my msn private msg "I want ice-cream. I want. I waaaant!!!!" hahahhaa....thanks ijah! I lap you sooo much lar...much much tau! I made peach pudding but mcm tk mengeras je lagi so i sorokkan dlm my beg....rezeki flatmate i la nampaknye!!!ngehehehe ;)

As usual, we laughed laughed alot! With taj yang ade split personality problem, she never failed to hiburkan us *peace taj*.And we even ended up with a very very interesting short video. HINT: might be useful for those who are going to have a makan-makan with their in-laws. Check it out people!!!!

Well ijah dearie, thanks alot for a lovely lunch. You cooked really-weally well. Bole lar kawin lepas ni....ngehehhee!Hmm lain kali bole masak utk kitorang lagiiiiii.....yes lahhh!!! Ijah... you world la babe! *gaya mawi world* nyahnyahnyah :D

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