April 03, 2006

KYUEM fever!

Everything that begins will come to an end. I had a wonderful weekand (or should i say week coz i've been hanging out with fellow kyuemians from monday till sunday...hmmm). Wutever pun, kyuem fest was the bomb!!! Ermm, we didnt really achieve our objective of the day (which was to make friend with a super senior+lelaki+single+kacak... nyahnyahnyah!-lol-). nevertheless, lepak-ing with them just bring up the sweet, old memories ;) And urgghh, these few days were definitey those days where i ate like a pig!Non-stop i tell ya....And the days where everybody is being conscious about their tummy ;)

DAY 1:
It was nearly midnight when we arrived at the Southampton Bus Interchange. It was bloody windy. And it rained too. Mus+zaza+ibu came to picked us and off we went to their halls. On foot. Luckily there's some leftovers....thanks to marriam! That was really what i need...... ngehehhe!

DAY 2:
We missed the bus so we had to walked all the way to the Student Union. If i knew that i had to play futsal+volleyball, i will not eat macam babi ketika breakfast!!!! Senak perut den.... Futsal was fun eventhough i think most of the time i tendang angin jer.ngehehehe!And i sucked in volleyball. If the ball falls right at me, i can hit it back. If it pass over me, i hit the air. If its a bit infront of me, i dunno what to do. Takley adjust my position...jadi blur seketika!!! Macam pesakit parkinson; cannot initiate movement. nyahnyahnyah... agak kodi lar!!!

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Lunch was superb....but didnt eat alot pun. Sharmeen took my portion and my perut was still senak that time! Lomon and mambo's bands performed after lunch...i teringat college events yang selalunye ade band performances *icon muka rindu college* And finally, Malaysians ni memang tak sah kalau ade event dan tak amik gambar!ngehehe....so it's snapping-here-and-there time!!!

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We rushed to the town....coz it's ShakeAway time!!!YEAY~~~i liiikkeeeee. This time, i picked butterscotch+banana+flakes.omg so schweeeettttt till meremang bulu roma den tapi still, sangat sedaaaappppp! Everybody picked different flavours so we end up rase a lil bit here and there. The oddest combination would be muk's milkshake. Weird gilerrrr....omg! You have eccentric taste la muk *peace muk*

Our final night = MAKAN BESAR!!!! ibu and zaza hosted a dinner for 15 people....we had nasi goreng cina, nasi goreng kampung, cantonese noodle (i think!), BBQ chicken, sayur campur, cheesecake, chocolate fudge cake, vanilla icecream+peaches (i lufff it!!!) and fruitssss. Taj and dira and i was bloody bored with their intellectual conversation so we ended up buat video. about them. ngehehehe.After dinner, we stayed up tengok cerita 'Baik punya cilok'.. i know i know, cerita melayu biasanye lawak bodoh but hehehe, i still suke lawak afdlin shauki! Not senario though...blurghh!

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DAY 3:

So long farewell, it's time to say goodbye. But before that, we had nasi lemak for breakfast at marriam's place. Marriam, that was superb!!! Nasi lemak is definitely my favourite :D

Special shoutout to sotoners especially ibu, zaza and marriam. Thanks zaza for being a niicee host...and i rindu u oready :( Thanks to ibu for your kindness utk prepare food for us!!!! You're so generous lar ibu...so like ibu!ngehehe... and thanks to marriam also, you rock la babe!

Now i'm back in my comfy shack in mile end and it's working time!!! My holiday ends here... and alot of revision need to be done! Peeps, i'll definitely catch up with you guys in 6 weeks time. And yeah, i'll be updating my blog...on boring stuff, i guess. hahahhaha :P till then, adios and takecare!-xoxo-

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