March 30, 2006

Time flies when you're having FUN ('',)

"You get more joy out of the giving to others, and should put a good deal of thought into the happiness you're able to give."
Eleanor Roosevelt

This year, we celebrated taj's birthday at Khans restaurant in Bayswater. It wasnt our joke to kenakan her but she really mengidam indian food. So her wish is our command ;) I was supposed to buat her sampai lambat to the restaurant...and it turned out, i really buat all of us lambat! ngehehe. We left mile end at 10+, stopped at sainsbury's to get the 'superb' cake. Then went to clinton to get other stuffs.

The traffic was really weally bad (betapa allah nak tunjuk menipu tu dosa :P ) so we decided to take the tube. omg. I dont know how far we've walked from the entrance to reach the district and circle line...but i sooo rase macam as if i've walked from mile end to whitechapel. Giler jauh plssss????Naik tangga, turun tangga. Naik escalator, turun escalator.copy paste. copy paste. Shiiiishhh, i definitely will NEVER EVER change at bank station anymore!!!!! Dira left for bayswater while zaza and i went to Blackfriars. We were extremely late so zaza and i ran from the tube station sampailah LSE bankside hall. Sosek napas den...

We sampai2 kat restaurant nampak liza was waiting outside with her red tulips. Awww so schweeet lar u bii...nanti birthday i, nak jugaks pls? ngehehe. Inside, zharif and khalid was holding the 'Happy Birthday' banner.... and ade balloon too. Chomyl kan kan kan? ;) Taj opened her cards and pressie while waiting for the food. And the food....ohmann! Sedaaaap!!! I liiikeeee....taj and i shared pilau rice+chicken bourji+chicken tikka masala. Macam sangat kenyang till i still burb-ed those food malam tuh! heheheeh

The best part was when capek brought out the cake. All the guys were like really 'excited and thrill' just by looking at the cake. Wanna know why??? Check out the photos..Quote taj"Their expressions were priceless." hahaha....guys will always be guys, riiiteeee?

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We had the after-party at taj's place....snap here, snap there with her birthday presents. She got bermacam2....handbag, jam, accessories, sunglasses, pajamas, shirt and many mooreee. I cant remember all....hehe! taj, hope u enjoyed your 21st birthday :) you're a woman now; i supposed. So act like one! How??? heheh...i have no idea!!! Ohwell, just be yourself then. We love you for that <3

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