March 30, 2006

~Hakuna Matata~

"There isn't much better in this life than finding a way to spend hours in conversation with people you respect and love. You have to carve this time out of life because you aren't really living without it."

Zaza and i watched The Lion King musical show last tuesday. Actually we were suppose to watch it with ibu, taj, rapek, feena and all. Unfortunately only zaza and i managed to get the student price tickets (sbb we bgn awal to buy the tix..kan zaza kan?hehe). It was soooo cute and adorable :) i always like simba since i was small. And i'm still waiting for my simba from ijah -peace ijah-

The show was definitely sangat lain from the first show i've watched; The Phantom of the Opera. So cant compare them both...coz it wouldnt be fair! Thumbs up for Lion King because of the costumes and props. I felt as if i'm really in a jungle, surrounded by animals. And the songs, they leave good feeling in your heart. Happy happy happy :D

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