March 01, 2006

my scribbleeee

.... march is finally here (tomorrow!) and spring is about to spread its wings.Let the sun shine and soon the nasty cold will be gone. Weather nowadays semakin upredictable :S this morning, i was awaken by the extra bright sunlight.But on my way to CMLT, i was shivering because of cold. And just now, it was snowing. omg. No wonder my menstrual cycle pun mcm giler lately... blame it on the weather.huh.omg.

i feel like blogging today but now, i tak tahu ape nak tulis.nyahnyahnyah. karut kan i nih??? hehehe..... nwy had ym conference with kirah and dee just now.It's nice to catch up with my girls.Wished that sue and min could join us....some other days huh? I rindu lepak-ing with them.Have our monthly girls-night-out. And just talk crap all night long.I know munirah and yasmin are really good in that ;) Eventhough we always faced unplanned incident whenever we keluar together .. like our accident kat Hartamas dulu (yeah2... 'dosa' mun&i sebab tk pakai tudung ngehehe!) or the berebut parking thingy kat OU ( the very funny!). come to think about it again, every moment we've spent together meant a lot to me!

Love them to bits. Officially the 5 of us have been together for the past 2 years...but i've known kirah for like ages kot (since form 1 lagi) and the rest since kat PC. Hope this friendship will last yeah?owh girls, do remember that we girls should stand by each other's side no matter what happens.And the boyfriend should not be use as an excuse for us not to lepak together. oppsss sorry mujid, syakir, azim, bf baru min and bf-sue-yang-i-tak-kenal.ngehehe!I always wanted to have some balance between my gfs and bf.I hope i can.I will try ;)

My awesome gals; sue, min, mun, dee (clockwise)

Dinner@chillis....min was m.i.a. heheheee

My farewell lunch :'(

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