February 24, 2006

UCL MalaysianNite...i liiikeee :)

I think it's been quite sometime since i last berjumpa dengan ramai giler malaysians. Yesterday i was surrounded by lebih kurang 500 malaysians from all over the UK.Hmmm...takley nak ngumpat org dah, sbb sumer phm BM.daym.ngehehe :P

Lepak-ed for a while with my fellow kyuemians; those from london and also some who came all the way from notts, warwick, birm and soton.(now i'm a bit malu to myself coz at first i was thinking of not goin to IC Mnite next week...eventhough it's just dekat london???yes ijah, i'll come dear!). Met few seniors(mostly londoners yang i hardly jumpe pun. See how dah lama giler i tak bersocial ngan orang2? haihhhh).Said hi to Qmary seniors; amal, kasha and more lah! Bumped into few S9 seniors but sadly, i cant recall their names.Oppss.I'm so so sorry..really bad in recalling people's name!

UCL presented the drama called "It's not just about love" with Iedil, Farahana and Fazd (wutever u call that Hang Tuah guy..heh) as their leading characters.It's a light story where you dont have to be a genius to figure out what will happen next(*take note akmal roji -lol-*).So you can just sit back and relax... and enjoy the show. I really liiikeee the dances they performed which i think were superb and creative. Hooray for the choreographers.Gud job indeed!!!Pendek cerita, it's very entertaining and fun too :) Congrats shasa and her team!!!

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