"Everyone wants to be appreciated.So if you appreciate someone, dont keep it a secret."
Mary Kay Ash
If you give her money, she'll definitely spend it for shopping (and it'll definitely be branded stuff!). If you give her time to shop, she'll make your legs numb by entering the same shop for thousand times. If you give her a car, she'll be driving it like a mad driver as if jalan tu bapak die punyer.If you give her mirror, she'll be looking at it 24/7 to betulkan her tudung. It sounded as if she's a snob,bloody rich,vain biatch huh?But wait...i havent finish yet.Please continue reading this..?
If you give her your time, she'll give you her attention. If you give her your problem, she'll lend her ear to listen. If you ask for advices, she'll give you no lies.She never fails to make me smile.And i never succeed in lying to her that nothing is wrong. YESSSS that biatch - Alia- turned out to be my guardian angel ;)
She was among the first i've met when i moved to SMK Raja Muda. Judging people by what others said about them is no good ( i mean, selagi they all didnt do anything to you lar...). But i was so stupid that time...so we remained as "just friend". Time flew. We're in secondary school now. The friendship grew; from "just friend" to "buddies". I cant recall since when we became hang-out friend and now she's like my darling cum counselor. Probably it's the distance that brought us closer kot..Or maybe it's because of the friendship made by the generations before us.(Our grandma were friends, sama kampung and all.Hahaha...what a small world kan???? )
Anyway dear, thanks for being by my side through thick and thin.Im glad that you stayed for the past 11 years. You know too much now huh? Haiyoo...so bahaya!!!-lol- Hope you'll have a blast 21st birthday celebration in Perth (i doubt that actually...sbb perth byk orang tua jer!nyahnyahnyah!).But whatever pun, a special person like you deserve a special celebration on this special day. May allah bless you in everything you do.And please lar say yes...regarding the idea of continuing your degree in london!!!!!
"Dont be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes is certain for those who are friends"
Richard Bach
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