February 05, 2011

#Day 22

can you guess what i wished i was good at from this pic?

ohkay apply makeup i memang fail lah +__+"

probably due to the imperfect skin condition, i don't see the importance of wearing makeup. *pause* some of you might think im nuts! errrr thats why you wear makeup- to cover the things you NEED to cover, no? uhmm not for me! i think it'll make my skin "suffocate" even more!

or maybe i should do some homework on makeups that are ok for acne-prone skin. *mouse clicking away*


Laila said...

I don't know apply it very well to, but I just love to make up my eyes :) and I just use make up to see me MORE beautiful, not to cover anithing :) hehhehehe
And talking seriously, maybe I have to learn to apply it best.

[[[ x Smiley x ]]] said...

Applying eye-liner is a mission!
And having shaky hands doesn't help one bit!

The Spasmodic Scribbler said...

Don't worry about it. You are not the only one who doesn't know how to apply makeup. I'm like totally clueless when it comes to makeup ok. Apply eyeline, mascara semua fail. Tercucuk mata lagi adala. Hahaha. So no thanks to makeup. The only makeup thingy that I have is lipstick, lip gloss, face powder and blusher. Tapi haram la nak pakai blusher tu. Lipstick and lip gloss I wear them only when I'm on a date. Hahahaha.

ashieBee said...

not too late for us to start learning now righhttt? *clicks on youtube*

oooohhh yes i agree!!! especially when u use the liquid eye liner. NEED THE SKILLS! ahahaha

::spasmodic scribbler::
i pooooon tak pakai blusher! tak reti pls? rase mcm terlalu merah pipi mcm clown je? hahahaha nampak sgt tak terror! atleast u pakai lipgloss pegi dating. me nadaaa! and he bising mcm i tk excited nakgi dating,tak bersiap :P