February 05, 2011

LaLa Chong

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!!
forgive me for only wishing you lots on the third day but hey! i thought the festivities last for fifteen days ;)) not too late eh?

anyway, prior to our (temporary) separation before he left for his kampung throughout the long weekend, jade and i decided to have family dinner together. we picked LaLa Chong; in the spirit of Lunar New Year.

the first dish that was picked out from the menu was, of course, the lala lah! we ordered some spicy-cooking style lala. both of us are not a big fan of lala AND that dish didn't change our feeling towards lala at all. i find it a little bit too salty...and not spicy at all pun!

then we looked at the crab choices. contemplated on which one worth trying- the salted egg yolk crab OR the buttery, creamy, cheesy crab. unfortunately we were told that the crabs udah abis dong :(( boohooo.

we moved on to the squid. jade wanted calamari BUT i wanted the deep-fried honey baby squid. because that was recommended from those reviews i've read.
and THAT my friend, was definitely the winner of the night!!! *thumbs up* jade lovesssss it alot. tambah nasi due mangkuk because of it :P

yes it's that THAT small! *nomnomnom* pity them; died at young age to satisfied humans' tummies. *nomnomnom chomp down the second baby* it was THAT delicious!

another LaLa Chong speciality is the salt-grilled tilapia. we waited damn looong for it to be done; the last one being served on the table. jade only likes it because it's fresh (of course lah; the fish tank dekat depan tu jeeeeee!) and that's about it. i guess the fish isn't about anything else than its natural taste.

to have a "balance" meal, we ordered their beancurd with angled luffa. my favourite too!

all in all, we still don't like lala AND mcm confirmed takkan order it elsewhere too. the baby squid is highly recommended and i'd loveeeee to come again to try the crabs. after all the publicities about it, betul ke sedap sangat?

*Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here is entirely based on my personal tastebuds and may vary for others.


The Spasmodic Scribbler said...

Hahaha. You are funny at times Ash. I can recommend you an eating place. Try ayam penyet Wong Solo. Confirm pedas menangi2 punya (for those yang tak tahan pedas lah).

But in case you are looking around for halal Chinese food, I like the one in PNB Darby Park? Min Max restaurant or something. The dim sum and all are yummy plus murah jugakla.

ashieBee said...

dim sum? nyumsssss!!! ok i'll take note of that. hmm mcm pernah dgr je ayam penyet wong solo? probably read it somewhere while bloghopping kot ;)) thanks for the recommendation! nnti i dah cuba, i'll let u know what i think about it. hihihi
