August 05, 2010


i am babyF; mak ngah's favourite nephew. well, not like she has any others :P

mak ngah told me that she got calls from her friends complaining "how come I never saw you during this this this event?" sorry but mak ngah has been busy lah!

...with me, of course! *cheeky grins*
i'm an actively growing 10 months old baby and i enjoy playing to the maximum! i love playing hide and seek- that never fails to make me laugh!
currently i am learning how to climb. i can climb my toy box already, now learning how to climb the window grill. hmmm...normally if mak ngah is there, i'll "borrow" her body as stepping stone to go higher. weeeeeeeeeee!

makchu leaves for school around 12pm which means i have to get ready too! i'm going out *held up hands, nak dukung* did i tell you that i love going for a ride in the car? and i knowwww when they are leaving the house- hint: the women wearing their headscarves.
i kept the car keys first, just incase they decided to be sneaky and leave quietly without me. aren't i'm smart? :D

but sometimes i got tricked by them! they fed me with tiger biscuit (my favourite!) or they brought me for a stroll around the house, in my stroller.i'm not happy, you know...

luckily mak ngah doesn't mind making a fool of herself, singing and dancing infront of me to entertain me. that's me; clapping my hand as mak ngah sang "tepuk amai amai".
well if you want me to behave, very easy one- just gimme your phone! yesss!!! i love the telephone that whenever i hear it rings, i'll crawled as fast as i can and grab it from whoever holding it at that time. i don't care whoever is on the other side; you HAVE to talk to me first!
ahhhhhhhh playing and eating whole day can be tiring too! so i'd normally have my nap twice everyday. and my sleeping routine would be to pile up all those pillows around me and create a "nest" for me to sleep in.

YESSS!!!! i need all that AND they are all mine mine mine. not sharing. pffffttttttt *hold on tight to each pillow*

good night you all!!!!


Hafizah said...

everything you wrote here sama jer macam adlina and ariff..perhaps all kids are the same. hehe

Ajlaa Azam said...


ashieBee said...

ha ha ha i guess kerja baby memang tu je kot, no? ;) but they are so comel...even though it's always the same act everyday, i simply love it!!!

babies mmg cuteeeeeeee!!! time kecik camni la cute. nnti dh besar part yg nakal2 giler tu kurang cute dah :P

mujed said...

hi baby f
i pon rasa u curi aunty@mak ngah from me..everytime i call mak ngah tak nak cakap ngan me
u pon nakal tk nak kawan ngan i..nak kawan pon bile nampak blackberry and nak jalan2..i jugak kene dukung u yg berat hehehe

anyway i miss u baby f..cepat aa balik

ashieBee said...

hehehe babyF suke buli uncleM :D