April 09, 2009

engkau lah destinasi ku

current music: the climb

It's the last day of spring term 2009; thanks to dr.S who decided to take her annual leave a week before the official holiday kicks in. hihihi chootee ku +sehari, tengkiuu! ever since i've entered clinical year, this is the first time we're being rewarded with a proper break. i'm not joking! 4 days off (friday+ weekend+ easter monday) are more like an extended weekend to me. blergh. so alhamdulillah this year we got 10 11 days of holidaywonder!!!!weeeheehee.

::note to self:: must get enough rest, recharge so i can get through the tortorous, extraExtraEXTRA hardworking summer term *butterflies in the tummy*

to be honest, i'm scared. come to think about it, 1 and half year left before i leave dental school. 14 months to be exact. trust me, it'll be gone sekelip mata. but i still have a lot to do *sobsob* requirements berlambak lagi, final patient case spt dapur yang belum berasap, haven't done any surgical extractions (i'm dying to cut living flesh with the scalpel and do some stitching - macam cool. ha ha ha), and beribu-ribu lemon of MORE requirements. *sigh*

scarymary but it did cross my mind of the possibility not completing all these on time. but errrr, can i not think about it now? because we all know the consequences of it and trust me, you wouldn't want to be in THAT position :((

mama and abah seemed very positive of the idea me graduating in summer 2010 insyallah. i wished it's that easy, snap, and yeay graduated oready. as cliche as it may sound but, breaking bad news to my parents is like commiting suicide attack. it breaks my heart to see their disappointments. i felt as though i'm a glass, crushed and shattered, when i can't live up to their expectations. that was me 12 years back - and i swear i shall never repeat the same mistake again!

o'ooohhh *bitting nails* pe-re-syeeeerrrr ok!

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