October 22, 2008

selamat tidur, beautiful soul.

i stumbled upon an inspiring blog written by a young "fighter".

she passed away on monday after 6-months battle with 3rd stage lung cancer. she was diagnosed with the disease a week before her 20th birthday. so young, yet limited time left. so many dreams to be achieved, yet so powerless to bring it to reality.

what caught my attention was her positive attitude throughout the treatment process. how much she missed uni life when that used to be the thing she dread about. how much she wanted to eat all the food she has been craving for when dulu she use to control2 makan sbb takut gemuk. how she is scared of the jabs given to her, anxious looking at the amount of blood oozing out of her body but she knew that's for her own good. how she always make her entry sounded soooo like i'm-gonna-be-alright...when all this while, she knew that the percentage of survival is less than 5%.

it was sooo hard not to shed any tears when i read her entries :'((

i'm a mad woman laaa. weird, as well.
she may be just a stranger.
but her story touched my heart.

i shall bookmarked your site; as an inspiration to look at ...when i feel like the world has turned its back on me ...when i feel like there's no hope left ...when i feel all alone and cold ...when i think it's too impossible to be done.

"i'm not a delicate little flower. i'm a superwoman."

may you rest in peace, love. Al-Fatihah.

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