....and i'm feeling content with my life at the mo! Alhamdulillah.
The Creative Zen Vision:M kept on playing and the "Recipes for a Perfect Marriage" stayed open at the "Endurance" chapter. After sipping the cold milk, i fell asleep like a baby.I took a short, 2 hours nap after the light dinner of toast and kambing-but-tak-rase-kambing spaghetti sauce home cooked by Dina.
I stared at the ceiling for 10 minutes after waking up. I saw the glow in the dark stars. Looked around the room. Stared at the familiar faces from the photos on the wall. Tried to find the strength to keep me moving. Probably the fact that i was awake since 5.45 am just to get to the Billingsgate Market and bought fresh CRABS (!!!), fishes and gigantic prawns made me tired. The fact that i was in the kitchen until noon cleaning the seafood, had nasi lemak partayy with the flatmates and rushed to Sainsbury's for groceries shopping, meredah the cold, frosty weather, exhaust me. Probably i'm already worn out by the revisions followed by the exam week and the debaran menanti results.
But last night...it was all good. Lying on the bed, all alone, thinking about....me, my life and those involved in it. How i just realised that the family bonds kept me going for all this while. How the concerns and cares showed by friends gave me the airbag, comfortable and safe surface for me to land whenever i fall. How ungrateful i am towards a guy who gave his unconditional love ever since 6 years ago. How I've worked hard to achieve wut i have today. How challenging dental course is. And how hard it is to live on my own.
Reflecting on life. Once in a while, it's gud to reflect back on what you've done. What you've taken from others. And what you've given them back in return.
Life can be hard, but we make it even harder by the way we look at it. Be optimistic. Every problem has its solution. When you're around something every day you stop seeing it. That's when u start treating others like shit. That's when u start taking things for granted. And on the day you believe you have found the answers is the day life tells you that you know nothing at all. When you think you have suffered enough and the road ahead looks sunny and flat, you will turn the corner and find there is a mountain to climb. When you climb the mountain there are no guarantees that there will not be another, and another after that.
I'm 22 turning to 23 next September. I have Abah, Mama, Along, Joe, Zahir and Wawa as my backbones. I have my cintas, chanteks, Qmarians, KYUEMians and all those wonderful friends who are willing to stay by myside through thick and thin. I have
him who is waiting patiently and looking after me, on every steps i take. I'm using my greatest gift from Allah; a pair of hands that work wonderfully and creatively. I get to cook what i feel like eating. I make people feel special by baking their birthday cakes. I'm living in London; the coolest city you ever wished for. And..i'm currently earning in pounds which gives me the chance to shop more, ronggeng more and makan more! :P
The Creative Zen Vision:M kept on playing and the "Recipes for a Perfect Marriage" stayed open at the "Endurance" chapter. After sipping the cold milk, i fell asleep like a baby.I took a short, 2 hours nap after the light dinner of toast and kambing-but-tak-rase-kambing spaghetti sauce home cooked by Dina.
I stared at the ceiling for 10 minutes after waking up. I saw the glow in the dark stars. Looked around the room. Stared at the familiar faces from the photos on the wall. Tried to find the strength to keep me moving. Probably the fact that i was awake since 5.45 am just to get to the Billingsgate Market and bought fresh CRABS (!!!), fishes and gigantic prawns made me tired. The fact that i was in the kitchen until noon cleaning the seafood, had nasi lemak partayy with the flatmates and rushed to Sainsbury's for groceries shopping, meredah the cold, frosty weather, exhaust me. Probably i'm already worn out by the revisions followed by the exam week and the debaran menanti results.
But last night...it was all good. Lying on the bed, all alone, thinking about....me, my life and those involved in it. How i just realised that the family bonds kept me going for all this while. How the concerns and cares showed by friends gave me the airbag, comfortable and safe surface for me to land whenever i fall. How ungrateful i am towards a guy who gave his unconditional love ever since 6 years ago. How I've worked hard to achieve wut i have today. How challenging dental course is. And how hard it is to live on my own.
Reflecting on life. Once in a while, it's gud to reflect back on what you've done. What you've taken from others. And what you've given them back in return.
Life can be hard, but we make it even harder by the way we look at it. Be optimistic. Every problem has its solution. When you're around something every day you stop seeing it. That's when u start treating others like shit. That's when u start taking things for granted. And on the day you believe you have found the answers is the day life tells you that you know nothing at all. When you think you have suffered enough and the road ahead looks sunny and flat, you will turn the corner and find there is a mountain to climb. When you climb the mountain there are no guarantees that there will not be another, and another after that.
I'm 22 turning to 23 next September. I have Abah, Mama, Along, Joe, Zahir and Wawa as my backbones. I have my cintas, chanteks, Qmarians, KYUEMians and all those wonderful friends who are willing to stay by myside through thick and thin. I have
"Lets grow old together"
post ni sangat best.
i think i miss you. omygod i baru kira, like a whole freakin decade!
whats up with the 'woot woot eh beb' ?
23 sounds so old kan. i wish i cld saty 18 or 21 forever.
and babe, u hvnt baked my birthday cake yet. i will wait walau seribu tahun ok!
awwwww so schweet diana! thanks =) i think i miss u too. miss all the "antique" frens. kekekeke! we should meet up next august once im back in msia for summer hols insyallah. and oooh, i was looking through your blog and the gambar ur anak sedara with the dimsums sangat tempting ok!!!! pleaseee bring me there this coming august :)) anddd how u buat yg "click here" baru keluar more pictures tu ek?? i macam jakun and buta IT sket. ahahaha..u have to teach me how to do that!!!!! thanks diana!
ibu usrahku, i pon tatau watsup wif wootwoot but i teringat a cartoon character whenever i say that :D ahahahahaaa. turning 23 but still childish ;) wut to do, im young at heart. plus age is just a number. so chill babe! rase macam cool pulak jadi matured, elegant, career young laydee!!!! kekekeeee. and hellooo, lamanye u nk hidup kat dunia ni samapi seribu tahun sbb nk tunggu bfdy cake dr i! ahahahaa. ok, insyallah next august we have girls sleepover or something we bake beramai2 k??? hehehehehe
**hugs for both of u**
" growing up is a must, but being mature is optional! "
salam from moscow!
salam from London =)
interesting quote u have there, mister! I guess we can never run from the ageing process...Nevertheless it's how we carry ourselves at that age is important. being matured? hehehehe...I still have a long, long way to go there :P
hey nape semua org takut menua? 23 is not that bad wutttt.... sounds old lah of course but it's the golden age of a lady! hahahaha yoyo jeeee!
Quote: Life can be hard, but we make it even harder by the way we look at it. Be optimistic. Every problem has its solution.
I love your lines Ashie. You are absolutely right by saying that we must be optimistic in pursuing our LIFE. We are what we think we are and not what other's think we are. It is time to look at ourselves using our own lenses. God bless.
haha mula2 i takut nak kasi you the link for the clickity thing cos its been screwing up my comments. cam dia straight disable the comments. but now its fixed so yay here it is. i guna the melayu one. heh. if anything, tell me la k. gudluk!
the melayu one
the original one
oh and sure thing about dim sum! tho you might have to drive me, i'll just point2 going "rashidah belok kiri la. kiri!!" omg i bebel macam essay.
BINGO nono =)
you got it absolutely right this time. and it applies to everything tau. as in, if you've already set an opinion on someone or something in ur mind wayyy before u try it or kenal that person deep within, in the end of the days u gonna believe wut u think in ur head is true. u gonna react based on wuts already in ur mind state. but then again, it's hard to remain positive all the time. sometimes the spirit just goes down the drain.... *sigh*
kodi la u diana! ahahaa manade mcm essay??!!! nwyyy i've looked at the tutorial and ahmagad, chomyl giler... "mengempis dan mengembangkan entry spt diet" hahahaha lawak giler dowhhh!!!! ohh yeayyyy so we have a dimsum date in august insyallah. and hopefully i still ingat how to park the car la kan...by that time, dh 2 years tk bw kereta. hahahahahaa :))
i like this post..
23 mcm dah tua sgt..hehehe
anyway, ive yet to turn 22 pun :)
idrinaaaaaa =)
hello babe. long time no see. how ruuuu????? u dh grad keeee??? i tau u dh hbs exam...but tk sure final ke ape. hehehe. so update me bout urself. sorry haritu tk smpt nak chat wif uuuuu....gotta run pegi celebrate bfdy sherliza's that time :)
we kene catch up k nnti!!! and yeahh u still have yet to reach 22 ;) ahahahahaha! takecare babe!
cepatnyer cakap bcome 23.. i myself baru mau start as 22..
and i m proud to say i m 1 of the candidates of the Special Bday Cake from ASh!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
can bake for my 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30...
We'll turn 23 together next September =)
But, age is just a number. Not very important. What's important is the experience and wisdom we gain as we go through life.
Still, takut kan jadi ADULT?!?! Haish.
U take care~
p/s: I'm linking ur blog to mine tau!
helen, we have to be far-sighted lor. 2008 is coming reallllllly soon! oklah, we the late babies still have longer period to enjoy our young, 22nd year-old age. Unlike *ehem*elizabeth*ehem who's turning 23 in 1 month-ish time? hehehehehe. and aigoooooo, even if i bake cake u always on diet oso. nobody to feed anymore :((
yeay~we are both september babies. yang chomyl. ahahahaha *perasan giler rashidah* nwyyyy yerp, being an adult is scary. too many responsibilites, life become more complicated. or maybe we make it complicated? ahahahahaha. but kesimpulannye, it's not a carefree life like the one we had when were just a kid *sigh*
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