September 30, 2007

Delete everything?

How do you forget someone? I mean, how do you wipe someone from your mind and stop caring about them? By working EXTRA-hard? Keeping yourself busy? Not possible?

A friend once told me that he still keeps the love letters from his x-girlfriends and he brought along the letters to where he is studying now (which is abroad la, not Malaysia). And i'm like, why on earth would you want to keep all those memories? And if nk simpan pun, takkan sampai bawa ke sini kan? He replied, "Once in a while, you need to be reminded of who you used to be before. They were part of my life in the past. And admit it, you can't erase what has happened in the past to start the future.All these memories that made me who i am today."

Maybe he's right.

Memories were created. And it'll stay there. Forever. But we don't live in memories. Reminiscent memories flow back and forth in the mind. Sweet. But that's it. We live in the present. We need to move on.

....but how to move on leh?


Anonymous said...

Masya Allah! Sampai macam tu sekali your guy friend, cik Ashie??? To me, it depends on people la but please do not let all the memories tuh limit yourself from being the better you. Tak produktif la macam tu... Honestly I tak simpan pape pun yang ex I bg kecuali hadiah2 birthday la. Tu pun simpan atas dasar hormat pemberian org... To me la if you keep segala memories tu sangat then you akan di-overwhelmed by memories tu. Tak ke mana jadinya..

*just my 2 cents*

Husna said...

no matter how hard we try to delete the special memories, it can never be deleted, seriously sbb dah retained in the parahippocampus unless la terjatuh and ade lesion kat that area, then there you go 50 first dates la nampak gayanya. but seriously, mmg its not gonna be hard, daymnnnn hard. but ppl say time heals all wounds, sooner or later its not that u act lupe all the memories u had with that person, but u create other new memories so a bit lupe la yg lame-lame tu. tak ke? i think its irrational to act buang all the stuff, like nono said respect la kat the person who gv them but then again if it hurts badly for u to keep them then its another story la kan. so tere u go aku membebel pagi2 buta ~

ashieBee said...

ahahaha...kawan i mmg lawak! i was helping him packing to pindah rumah when i discover the box tau. die tk kasi i angkat or come near to the box pun. lawak giler!!!!!i can't really recall ape i buat towards the brg2 that my x-bf kasi. not that die penah kasi banyak pun....ahahahhaa! surat2 of course dh tk wujud :P rantai pun dh kene curi time rmh i dipecah masuk yeah, no memories of my x!

waduh3 dr-to-be kasi medical term pulak :P hehehehe. baru lepas revision isit? ;) time heals all the wounds ey? but time is terribly slow in treating it...super slow doctor! *sigh* but yeah, it'll heal... lmbt sket! maybe if tk buang the stuff, pulangkan balik la kot.... but unfortunately, i belum penah merasa couple dgn org and dpt banyak barang and then breakup. hmmm...tunggu dan lihat in the future :P *minta jauh*