May 29, 2011

ada apa pada rupa

i recently witnessed a facelift operation on a 56 year old lady. she reaaaaaally look younger after the op! like a 36 year old lady?

but i just couldn't understand why would someone go into THAT much of pain?
(i just have to add that this lady not only have susuk- lots of them! on her face, pakai botox lagi tu!)

we're talking about making a cut on your upper hairline to reduce the creases on the forehead. another cut that goes down to the earlobe to make your cheek tighter. must be damn sakit for a good few weeks tu.

and the thing i lebih tak faham is that, how come this makcik who had her bandages removed after the op for some cleaning commented that it wasn't enough?!!!

(jaw dropped)

has it ever crossed her mind the word "death"?


Myra said...

oh my. huhu.

i'm not one yg advocate interventions against aging process but at the same time i'm not at the age to even think about them yet. who knows what goes through her mind.

tapi how much she puts her appearing-young a priority, is a reminder of how bad it could be. scary :( and for now i disapprove wuuuu

i hope we all boleh accept aging gracefully.

ashieBee said...

myra, her priority is sooo wrong lah wei! hahahha. but ah well, maybe hmm something has gone wrong "upthere"... system haywire :P

but ooohhhhhh we baru discovered, bf die 20-an. rofl. giler busybody kan kitorang! hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere, once uve had a plastic surgery or some sort, you kinda get addicted to it! SCARY!