February 18, 2011

of february love (Part I)

Ya Allah, banyaknya wedding invitations for this month!

not that i am complaining BUT february seems to be the favourite month to get hitched! -valentines whaaaaaaat? we're celebrating our anniversary lah !

smart move, people!*wink*

speaking of wedding invitations, jade and i attended 2 home weddings and they were lovely! i always love love love casual wedding reception. formal ones are never my favourite in the first place! rasa macam...too restricted!

firstly, at home everyone is invited. your children can tag along to meriahkan the majlis. like babyA, he's the favourite flavour for all the events. semua sibukkkk nak gomol die :P too cute too resist lah!

at home, you have the whole time in the world to actually wait for the newlywed couple and snap photos+(minimal) catch up. not soooo much of a rush compared to seating dinner at the dewan.
tasha + rafiq

can even curi-curi cute candid shot of the newlywed since there's not much of heads crowd blocking your view.

andddddd can camwhore with your friends too ;)) **ohkay this can be done dekat dewan jugak! anywhere, anytime. ngeeehhhhhh.**

or tanpa segan silu, can have a bite of their wedding cake/ pulut kuning! nobody knows it's youuuuuu.... ahahaha.

yay for home wedding? :))

...tapiiiiiii, satu je cannot tahan when go to home reception! the HEAT!!!!
hello malaysia. hello global warming *melted makeup*


Anonymous said...

Ya ALLAH cute nyer anak Zaza!

ashieBee said...

verrryyyyyyyyy cute!!!! tembam giler tau sha. gerammmmm. hahahaha.