February 07, 2011

#Day 24

i wish i could change the attitude of our waiter/waitress.

it is annoying that i pay 5% service charge for a crappy service. c'mmon, more than an hour wait for the food when i was informed by the waiter, "oh tengah masak tu" or "ayam grill memang lama sikit!". the same excuses ever since 30 minutes ago? or maybe even longer! and dude, watsup with the malas-nak-layan-selenge face? you're being paid to serve your customers.

...the least you could do is apologize?

i do realised that this is not europe- you get tips because you earned that money. and i do realised that the 5% doesn't go into the workers' pockets; instead the gov takes it all, kan? probably that's why they have no motivation to act nice. no reason to work so hard.

then maybe the government should stop taking the rakyat' moolah!


~d!N@~ said...

i knowww~~~ especially yg melayu tu. kerek nak mampus!
i miss UK loads.

ashieBee said...

kaaaaan dina? mmg kerek giler, mcm bagus!!!! haihhhhhhhhh.

hang miss UK? pi la visit dila kat sana. hihihi