::sha:: cute kann? but i bet it'll be terribly cold. nak tidur pun kene pakai jacket.
::ajlaa:: got one in sweden but this one is at tomamu ice village, japan. super cool kan? mahu pergi but gawd mahal siot! kat sweden got ice bar skali, i think. my friends pernah pergi.
Haha cute sangat! =) They look like little caterpillars.
chop, ice hotel in sweden kan? my sis dpt their cert sbb tido dlm ice hotel. kewlll!
cute kann? but i bet it'll be terribly cold. nak tidur pun kene pakai jacket.
got one in sweden but this one is at tomamu ice village, japan. super cool kan? mahu pergi but gawd mahal siot! kat sweden got ice bar skali, i think. my friends pernah pergi.
O.o good thing to do :)
They look like croissants. Haha. Is this in like an igloo or something? Sejuknyaaa!!
hahahah croissants? were u hungry when u read the post? :P yeahh sprt of macam igloo. sure gilerrrr sejuk!!! but cool, no? hihihi
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