November 28, 2010

rambang mata

it's fun going in and out different jewellery shops to pick and choose your ring! but it gets STRESSFUL when you have to decide there and then.

uhmmm we're deciding not on a puluh-puluh sen punye item
like something i'm gonna be stucked with and love it for the rest of my life?

....and semua pun cantik!!!!


that's the biggest different between me and mr.bofwen. he can enters the shop and comes out with a paper bag in hand but na'aah, not me!

i like to survey, have a look at the choices i have, compare the prices...
it make me feel like a smarter buyer (not to say that mr.bofwen is stoopid or anything along that line! ha ha ha). i know it requires a lot of time and effort but hey, i looooveeeeee browsing through the shops! i can tell you exactly which shop is besides which shop in oxford street (london)...and that's how frequent i do my window shopping *wink*

i am glad that i am not an impulsive shopper!!!
if not, confirm die one laaaa... the bank account, i mean.

but wait a minute.
aren't all girls shop like me? in see see, look look and later decide.

how do you guys shop?


Hafizah said...

i pun hafal oxford street directory! till now pun boleh ingat..hehehe

Ajlaa Azam said...

its call shoppers with brain chewahh tapi paling irritated bile the retail person dok follow everytime tgh tgk2 barang..potong steam btol nak (window) shopping.

ashieBee said...

i.miss.oxford.street. period.

a'aaaah benci jugak those SA!!! mcm lah orang tak mampu beli...pfffftttt.