September 04, 2010


reading b2b blog(s) can be really addictive :O

any recommendations of blog i should pop-in and pay a visit?

thanks lovelies!


few days ago i had a conversation about my wedding budget with the bestie@MOH (maid of honor). she commented on how her sister spent rmXXX,XXX whereas i roughly have only about rmXX,XXX for the wedding.

:O wedding THAT expensive kah?

but after reading quite a number of b2b blogs by now, i just realised that you can save a bit of money here and there IF you know where to D-I-Y! well of course, if you got the extra cash, why not just delegate the work to someone else and pay for their efforts. easier for you maaa.....

maybe the grand-ness of a wedding is being measured on who designed the wedding attire, the wedding planner/decorator of the hall, what is being placed on the dulang hantaran or even how much was the wang hantaran.

BUT having a perfect wedding is something so subjective; that you may not feel the same way as i do. and i'm pretty sure that PERFECT doesn't necessarily means GRAND!

as long as you follow your budget, ukur baju di badan sendiri... insyallah you'll be able to enjoy your special day :))

(takdelah stress sangat fikir takde duit for the-married-life pulaks! *giggle*)


Hafizah said...

the duit for the after wedding life is more important IMO. and yes perfect tak semestinya equal to grand. perfect di mata sendiri cukup.

Ajlaa Azam said...

beli barang time tgh SALE. you'll save alootttttttt and yes, learn to DIY so of the things yg u rasa bole buat say mcm for hantaran, pergi SEMUA HOUSE, jln TAR u akan pengsan tgk barang2 sbb semua ada n semua murah gila mamps

in terms of the designers n all yearp dorg yg akan up kan ur badget gile2..kena pandai buat survey....

n yes my dear, WEDDING IS EXPENSIVE!

kdg2 b2b blog(s) tuh exaggerate je lebih jgn percaya sgt. u buat survey2 dl..

spending wise, start buat bende sikit2..sbb that way u xkan terasa duit u kluar byk sgt sbb kalau u belanja semua in one shot, mmg u akan pengsan tgk how much money u have spent.

JGN BUAT KENDURI TIME CUTI SEKOLAH/BLN2/TARIKH2 YG ORG BYK KAWEN. Harga akan melambung esp on canopies, venue, dan segala2nya...

sekian terima kasih =)

Myra said...

ye, weddings mmg expensive. perkara pertama yg tak boleh in denial. lol. tapi tak semahal nak jaga anak orang after that. hoho.

i suka blog diaterimanikahnya at blogspot sbb i rasa excited2 dia pun still berpada, takde splurge all the way. also loads of ideas and tips dari dia :D

and yes, i juga rasa perfect doesn't have to be grand :) u know hari tu akan special but celebrate tanpa pokai juga boleh. and venue etc suma kena book awal, usually people go for tarikh special eg 10/10/10 or next year punya 09/10/11. i jenis tak kisah tarikh ultracantik lol but some people suka :D

ashieBee said...

*high five* tulaaaa, takde guna jugak kahwin grand2 tp lepas tu idup menumpang rumah parents sbb tk mampu beli rmh sendiri. semua duit dah habis utk receptions je. iskh. tak mao!

wahwahwa advices from the expert! tenkiu :D good luck with your preps. soon kan babe? hihihi

i pon tk kisah tarikh cantik2 dah since i kan tk jadi kawin 11022011. kehkehkeh. and oohh dah tgk dh blog tu. seronok baca die berceloteh :D mcm sempoiii je! hehehe

selamat hari raya, girls! **hugs**