May 05, 2010

adrenaline junkie

{picture-overload-long-overdue post to feast your eyes while i'm "kejap ade, kejap takde" mode since i've reached checkpoint#26 days to bds finals *bitting fingernails* i'm nice like that, aren't i?}

i hate to admit this but i easily get anxious.

on the other hand, some people find it very difficult to have this anxious feeling like i have that they had to go and hunt for them! or maybe they simply enjoy the feeling of being scared, till they are willing to pay that much to jump off from a 170ft high transporter bridge in middlesbrough. crazy enough, no?
so here's how this bungee jumping business works:

#incase you didn't follow the instructions from the staff on not bringing big luggage along with you, you can dump it at the spectators' site and get your nicest friend to watch over it while you go register.

in our case, they picked the wrong person to do the job- poor puteri lilin sorang ni!

#once you've registered, get all the things attached to your waist and stuff, it's time to climb all those stairs and make your way up to the middle part of the bridge. according to our brave ones, because there were too many stairs there right, the anxiety reduced with each steps they took. so tired already, wanna reach there and just jump. see, crazy right, i tell you. *shook head*
in the meantime, the spectators cum photographers were struggling to capture every moments of this historic event. seems everything is so small on the bridge, i'd recommend you check betul-betul if you are taking the picture of the right person you want. unlike me and missY, being so amateur where everyone seems like our brave ones, we ended up taking ntah sape2 lah! we even waved back with much enthusiasm at this random person when he/she was actually waving at his/her supporters...who happened to be standing beside us! *blushed* no wonder the relatives looked at us semacam aje*giggle*

#then it's time for our brave ones to jump! *excited* you can leave your kata-kata terakhir like, "tell my parents i'm sorry for all my wrong-doings" or "i'd like to donate those dozens of handbags to rumah anak-anak yatim" rofl. no lah, everything is safe. so don't worry too much ohkay! just look far ahead...
# ...AND JUMP!!!!!
# you can shout, you can cry, you can just keep silent- do whatever- and just enjoy the panaromic view from a bat's perspective! yabbadabedoooo!
#don't worry, they won't leave you hanging like that with all the blood oozing fast to your brain for a long time. somebody is down there to rescue you. yay! ok now focus on grabbing that stick.
#success!!!! *thumbs up*

(my favourite photo of the day)
before i forget, let me introduce our brave ones :)) well done, girls!
...and that's us, the spectators yang konon-konon-takut-about-to-jump-the-bridge. i don't even know why i'm giving a flying-kiss when i'm about to jump off a bridge!... major fail!!!! =__='


F. said...

gilaaaaaaaaaa la. did you jump? :P

Shahirah Elaiza said...

Oh I so wanna bungee jump! Maybe I should add that to my to-do list for my graduation celebration? =P

All the best in your exams! InshaAllah all our sacrifices and hard work will pay off =)

ashieBee said...

errrr nope! hahahaha i penakut pls? well if got the one yg can jumpe 2 org skali, i might consider laaaa. i think when i'm up there, i might not have the guts to go to the edge and jump kot. lol.

a'ahhh bungee jumping in new zealand should be fun!!!! u should try lah babe. as for me, hmmm i shall try zorbing first lah! doesnt look that scary...hehehhee.
yesss together we shall work hard and insyallah Allah will permudahkan everything for us. amin.
