last friday night i had to choose between the two current hoohaa-hoohaa. it's either night-out with the girls to judge who's hotter - edward or jaccob OR night-in alone, under the duvet, emo-ing over everyone's actions in forcing nur to remarry aidil just because adam was thought to be "dead".
new moon vs nur kasih; which one is worth to fill up your friday night?
i got both *wink*
it has been cold and wet these past few days. so i wrapped myself from head to toe and made my way to cineworld in shaftesbury avenue.
i got both *wink*
it has been cold and wet these past few days. so i wrapped myself from head to toe and made my way to cineworld in shaftesbury avenue.
it would have been a more perfect night if mrbofwen was around. just because the movie was a litle bit slow and mushy-mushy. so prepare yourself for oh-so-banyak-kali bella&edward kissing scenes and i'm-alright-being-shirtless-although-bile-cakap-mulut-keluar-asap statement from the amazingly-buff-hot-bods jacob.
i knowww, mrbofwen wouldn't appreciate all that but maybe, maybe la kan he'll be inspired to hit the gym and start training his "one" ab into 6 abs like mr.warewolf. or maybe he'll be more sensible, sweet and protective like mr. vampire.
ahhhh a girl can only dream! sigh.
i knowww, mrbofwen wouldn't appreciate all that but maybe, maybe la kan he'll be inspired to hit the gym and start training his "one" ab into 6 abs like mr.warewolf. or maybe he'll be more sensible, sweet and protective like mr. vampire.
ahhhh a girl can only dream! sigh.
ha ha ha just kidding. i'm happy with the way he is now. syukur alhamdulillah. it's not about how perfect your partner could be or what he can offer. all he needs to be is just himself. love is not about changing the other half into what you want. it's more like accepting one another as who they are - and make the best out of it.
i think u shud get more berets!! although tak berapa practical coz 1winter left..
as least u kno who u r dreaming and just ubah2 sikit (oops).. the rest of us memang bowfren face put cannot imagine..
cuteeeenya that beret.. nape x beli color merah or purple :P
anyway, i havent watch the movie yet.. may be i will just download je cus i tak excited at all. x tau nape, x macam twilight dulu. i have read the twilight saga tu sampai abis actually, and in movie (new moon) x sama dalam buku sbb bila tengok trailer macam len sikit. huhu.. hmmm.. lagi satu i jadi less excited because, in the novel edward x banyak sangat. banyak pasal jacob. hehe :P so i rs dalam movie may be edward xde sgt kowt.. ke banyak scene yang ada edward jugak ashie? :P
i like your idea AND you are absolutely right about the wasted-since-only-1-winter-left. should i put it in the list for santa then since *ehem* i'm meeting the santa on 19th dec right? ngehngehngeh.
a'aaah dlm ni banyak lagi jacob la! edward mcm ade awal2 and akhir2 je. tp i rase kali ni kurang ooouumpphhh! la. i bought that colour sbb rase mcm senang match. now im hunting for the perfect hat. *tak sbr tunggu christmas sale*
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