October 12, 2009


syawal is leaving us soon! and i'm only half-way through my puasa enam; if i get through today that is. i've been busy....eating. blame the raya makan-makan and my 24th birthday celebration(s) and visit from the bestie. how la nak puasa? *frowning*

i know i know that it's only sunat (you'll be rewarded for doing it AND it's not sinful to not do it) but i'm pretty determined to finish it!

Dalam sebuah hadis riwayat Imam Muslim, Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Sesiapa yang berpuasa pada bulan Ramadan, diikuti enam hari pada bulan Syawal, maka pahalanya seperti ia berpuasa selama setahun genap."

so now i'm terhegeh-hegeh trying to finish what i've started.

honestly i used to enjoy fasting on weekdays as the day flew faster than any other day. clinics kept me busy and occupied - i don't really have much free time to think of food.

but now is a different story! i'm in southend; where we have lunch together-gether as a whole group in the seminar room. i fell into frankie&benny's trap last friday - couldn't resist the salivating-looking mediterranean vegie burger!

today at lunch time, i was the first to enter the room as i kenot didn't have to go out and grab some food. i'll do some revision, i told myself. then one by one of the groupmates came in - carrying their packed lunch with them. sooner than i thought, the room smells of m&s sandwiches (i loikeee) and mcdonald burgers and fries and chocolate mousse. paling tak tahan was c's oven-baked mackerel~ yummy!

gosh, it was so hard to concentrate - on both; revision and fasting.

no! no! not today!

*coughcough* i am proud to say that i passed the "test" with flying colours *woohoo* although the tummy grumbles like mad rockstar on the loose! rofl.

...3 days to go now!


NadNakMakanGodfather said...

I miss Frankie&Bennys ! have u tried the pasta yg ade mussels; lagi satu yg vege pasta gulung2 ade cheese * cant remember the name:P SODAPP, so as the dessert! You join tak studentbeans? dpt voucher okays so dptla diskaun makan kat situ hehe

ashieBee said...

ibu, that's the first time i've eaten dkt frankie&bennys. never knew their existence, man! i need to get a life. hahaha, i knowwwwwww! i tk nampak pun pasta ade mussels? hmm...nnti i chekidout again! ;)) im in southend now, so once in a while we go eat out. lazyyyyyy to cook :P