April 19, 2009

yum! wheeeeee!!!

if the well-build, broad shoulder, muscular guys on the field don't get your full attention, i'm not sure what else will. **drooling** the woahmygawd-hunky-players! thanks to them, the heart grow fonder towards rugby ;))

i dragged myself out of bed to the twickenham stadium this afternoon for the EDF Energy Cup Final; less than 12 hours after the plane landed in Gatwick Airport . tired and knackered but hey, i enjoyed myself! cuci mata lalalala~

honestly i have never been a loyal fan to any kind of sports. i can't be bothered to watch any game either live or on tele; tgk results cukuplah. but rugby is different! this is the only sport that i can get lost in. every move of the players being followed closely. cheering is a must! excited wooooo. hihihi. it's hard to believe but i was totally, completely, 101% engrossed in the game.

a friend once told me how rugby can be related to our life. in certain perspective, it is kind of true...

you see, rugby is quite ganas and brutal. players tried really hard to move forward, to bring the ball across the line at the end of the field but end up kene lanyak by team lawan. they know they gonna get tackle, yet they bravely "merempuh" the halangan2. it's amazing how they kept on holding tightly to the ball; as if it's their precious. and when the teamate with the ball jatuh kene hempap, others will try their best to protect him from being "crushed" by the opponents. and did you notice how they passed the ball to the one behind, not in front? interesting, no?
well done, cardiff blue!

next - tennis wimbledon maybe?

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