May 01, 2009


uuuu.... afraid of the dentist?

i never understood this kind of fear towards the sound of drilling. but i do know that it can be an intimidating experience to lie flat on the dental chair. rasa exposed kot. so i was skeptical about this dental fear thingy. hey, how scared can an individual be throughout the dental appointment? it can't be that bad, riiiight?

little did i know a shocking surprise awaits me!

yesterday was the first time i treated my very own "anxious" patient under conscious sedation.
the corah's dental anxiety scale showed a 15/25 overall. not too bad, no? i told myself that i shall not be demotivated with the warning given by the patient.

"if you hurt me, i will hurt you."

*gulp* ohkaaaay. i geddit.

basically, you know something is not right when everything was just so wrong. we gave iv sedation; inserted cannula into the left arm - failed. used the right arm- succeed! gave 10mg midazolam - patient felt like she went out for a "free" friday night out. added 8mg midazolam- she started to falling asleep. that's like super-delayed response and nearly 3 times more than what "normal" patients would receive to get them completely sedated. drill drill drill. then it's time to fill up the cavity. patient kept on waking up in-between; asking where her friend has gone to. i would say that she's just half-asleep; not totally knocked-out. so, when i put a little bit of pressure while packing the amalgam into the cavity, dia bangun. demanded for the matrix band to be taken off. and daymmmmn the amalgam fell off from the cavity.

then the horror began - she burst into tears!

she cried cried cried till my dental bay was filled with 2/3 of the tutors. -_-"
she insisted that "No drugs = No treatment".
tutor refused to give anymore. just bear with it pls?
she pulled out the cannula and walked out of the dental surgery.
and yes, she left with a hole in her tooth!

me? - i was running from the fourth floor, giving the post-operative instructions while trying to catch up with her. *nearly lost my breath* i stood outside of the 1st floor waiting area while she booked her next appointment with the receptionist. she was still crying, i tried to console her. i felt so sorry for her! with her current status, i doubt she'll ever come again to get that tooth done. she'll be in pain and agony and forever benci dentist *sigh* downnnn dowh!

lesson of the day:
never underestimate the power of F.E.A.R.


h.3.l.3.n said...

that is quite an experience for u urself..

F. said...

hahahah... lucu pun ada jugak. tapi kan honestly, i am one of that kind yang takut jumpe dentist.. paling i benci la nak tampung gigi.. huhu.. nyiluuu okay. :P

but she will come for the next appointment kan ashie?

ashieBee said...

ahmagadddd i was shocked ok when she walked off, crying liddat. felt like the orang jahat :P hehehe. and the rest of the pts kept looking at me and my partner, "you should have given her more" sambil geleng2 kepala. paisehhhh :((

lucu? tak ohkaaaay! ha ha ha. scary tau! takut ek tampal gigi? hmmm....i kene lebih memahami lagi! oh u doa la die dtg balik. the next appointment lagi few weeks. we shall see what happens...