March 13, 2009

life is not a bed of roses

sangat cliche; but it's sooo true. kan kan kan?

this week has been rough on yours truly. at times, i felt like giving up. when life gets way too much to handle and i can't cope anymore, i start using bad words and swearing. i know it's bad, astaghfirullah. if orang kate semua dugaan dan cobaan adalah ujian dari Allah, confirm i fail with flying colours. instead of menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil, bertambah2 lagi kot sbb banyak sgt mencarut. lol.

gimme good food, gimme good sleep...then i'll be a lil bit better. errr more tame, i suppose? i guess Allah knows what is best for me. so why should i complain? i want rainbow but He gives me rain. i want a smooth-sailing journey but all i got is the humpy-bumpy road... mcm jalan nak balik kampung yang banyak sangat potholes. sakit bontot!

i shall endure all these painful thorns dengan penuh kesabaran!
patience; you are all that i need now....
gimme more gimme more!


Anonymous said...

hi ashie! i read all your previous posts yang i missed pasal lama tak blogging nie. hehehehe .. :P

tau tak apa yang paling best ttg you especially pasal your post.. you rant and rant and and mumble pasal life tapi you still ada positivity dengan apa yang you rant tu.. you buat others berfikir and most importantly, you make me THINK! Thank you ashie...

apa2 pun good ke bad ke, things happened upon allah's will.. sebab disebalik tu ada lesson dia nak offer and nak kasi kita belajar.. kan? kan? kan?

ashieBee said...

hi nono *waving macam orang giler*

ha ha ha. agak ar. u dah lama tk berblogging. jarang update blog dahhhh. busy ke cik kak? ;))

ohwell, kalau tak positive.....we won't be able to stand up after each fall. sometimes i wonder kenapa hidup kene ade masalah. why can't we live in a problem-free world and have no worries? but then i realised, it's because we didn't know whats gonna happen in the we didnt know where all these problems will lead us to. what we are today is because of wut we've learnt in the past.

hmm i dunno if im making any sense or not. lol.