March 11, 2009

fix you

they said, the heart that truly loves never forget.

we can never depend too much on technology; could we? so when the virus "dropped the bomb" to the one and only precious lappytop... i was mentally prepared for the worst! reformatting it yesterday felt like switching off the vegetative-state person's breathing support. you'll never know if it's the right decision to end its "life" now and then. what if it will actually recover later? *sigh*

what happened on saturday night...?

i spent the whole day writing up my paeds case presentation report; which i planned to hand-in the draft to my tutor this coming thursday. pandainyaaa that i forgot to save it elsewhere than in the My Documents. rewarded myself for working extra hard on weekend with the online movie streaming. of course la full screen is wayyyyy better than the small, cenonet screen right. but whenever i tried to make it into full-screen, always keluar window pop-up "VIRUS". probably scam kot, so i've decided to click "X" and ignored it.

everything after that was - MISERABLE!!!

i thought the antivirus programme would have kicked them out, and when they asked me to restart the computer....i was happily lalala thinking that it's all settled and time to go to bed. mind you, it's 3am in the morning and moi- the butech girl; frying her brain, trying to fix the most expensive gadget she has ever bought with her OWN money in her whole life.

and consider myself being very unlucky; dapat masuk my account but all i saw at that moment was my wallpaper and the cursor of the mouse. nope, nothing else. kosoooooong. not even the START button. not even a right-click. no reaction from ctrl-alt-del.

i gave up. had 3 hours sleep before i start calling people that i could think of to help me solve the problem. so many thanks to - mr. bofwen, joedutt, teri, foo, eric, ijah, tien, dila, gan, menaka, fatiha; for your time in making attempts to try and save it, your ears for listening to my worries and bebel-ness, your patience for tolerating with the stressful+panicking-rashidah.

alhamdulillah the nightmare is over now.

lessons of the day:
(i) always Always ALWAYS backup your documents
(ii) girls need to know all these high-tech stuff; can't depend too much on guys je. must learn!
(iii) do not watch porn; nanti kene virus - quoted from tien! kantoi :P


~d!N@~ said...

dah ok laptop u dear? well, since laptops are our 'nyawa' here, i bley bayang how panicking it was. u tgk porn apa smpai bley masuk virus tu? (quoting form above) haha

ashieBee said...


porn oohhh porn....manadee ok!!! ade bf sendiri, kenapa nak tgk porn? ha ha ha. eeeeuuwwwwww geli giler pls? i? tgk porn? ade gaya ke? :P

and alhamdulillah dah ok. ya allah, i panicked mcm nak mati kot. se-te-res giler. tak caya, tanya mujid. sorry bee ;))

Unknown said...

funny gila....rupa rupanya ash tgk porn :P

ashieBee said...

ha ha ha lawak la u gan. maybe u did the same things; that why our laptop kene attacked by the same virus :P