November 03, 2008

shocking sunday

+ he told me before, one of the reasons he chose not to study abroad is because of his parents dah tua. he was scared that something bad might happen to one of them when he's away in the foreignland. dulu i rasa rugi sebab...he's a super smart boy tauuuu. rahsia dia? his mum ckp makan sebiji telur tiap2 hari :P he he he. but anyway, i think he made the right decision afterall...his dad passed away today due to MI.


+ immediately after i got the news, i called abah. just checking on him; i rindu ;)) guess what happened. our rumah dipecah masuk. yet again. this time, it happened when everyone was deep in sleep. pukau? maybe. abah mentioned on that night, all of them felt really weally sleepy. yang i musykil nye, why would a perompak masuk ikut tingkap bilik my maid? mcm tahu-tahu je yang nobody stays in the room anymore. pastu die pandai. tangan and kaki sapu minyak; biar smudge cap jari die. kasi polis confused. tapi kotor la pulak lantai rumah kannn. oh die only target bilik pengantin+ master bedroom. probably rushing la kan, takut orang terbangun. but how come still sempat sort out barang ape nak bawa lari dkt bilik maid i? nasib baik lah nobody was hurt or terbangun when die masuk. nasib baik lah my baby sister, wawa tak kene pape. nasib baik lah along kept all barang2 hantaran in her old room, instead of bilik pengantin. if not, confirm (!!!) lesap beribu2 ringgit dkt barang2 hantaran je.


BUT- you still remember bibik ku yang lari?

kebetulan? wallahualam.


diana said...

Ya Allah ye ke.....! This was Saturday night/early morning Ahad? Cos malam tu cam at like almost 1am I think, cam my sister called me cos dia dengar this loud noise kat tepi her room cam ada orang langgar something or fell and then diam, like they're supposed to be quiet. My brother in law was out at the time and can dengar the bunyi a few times. So we ketakutan and locked ourselves up in one room. And then my sister can hear our door/tingkap grill kena tolak2 tapi we were upstairs so the bunyi cam vague and muffled (I cam tak dengar, ngantuk gila time tu). Then called the brother and dia came back, by the time cam takde anything dah la. So he's like annoyed cam "ha mana ada apa2". Ngeh

God but it really was something. Takutnyaa. Sian your family. It's so teruk kan how people just slamba nak pecah2 masuk rumah orang. Gila screwed up! :( ! We'll all have to be super careful from now on kan. Take care and hepi blaja, you!

diana said...

Ke friday ha? My day smua cam like smalam macam hari ni, hari ni macam besok sort of thing. Unemployed la katakan.

h.3.l.3.n said...

sori to hear abt that, it sucks having ur hse broken in, somehow tht safe place seems not as safe as it used to b, i kno coz i've been there n kehilangan byk benda precious too.

hope u get along fine~

ashieBee said...

::nana:: ahmagad serious? it happened fri night, early morning saturday. scary weiiiii....the idea org tu masuk time u tidor/u ade dkt rumah. u know what, my mum's friend died, killed by pencuri. they broke into her house, she terbangun. so they wrapped her dlm blanket and pukul her with kayu. she died. horror tak? :(( omg, orang2 merompak menyamun mencuri ni kannn...should get a life tau. tau tak banyak dosa2 kene tanggung kat akhirat nnti? haihhhhh pffffffftttttt.

::helen:: the moment i heard the news, it wasnt wut has gone missing my main priority. it was, is everyone ok? i guess come to think about it again, anything that has gone missing can be replaced. but if anything bad happens to my family members, nothing can ever ever ever (gaya dr. taylor) replace them >__< sigh.

a*hui said...

agree..esp when we r away from home we tend to overthink abt the actual situation if anything bad happens to our family...more devastating

ashieBee said...

betul betul betul ;))

Anonymous said...

These people are desperate for money, so they will do anything to get that,including all this menyamun and stuff. fortunately ur barang je hilang, coz barang2 tu macam kuku, potong boleh tumbuh balik, n syukur la semua selamat. u shld 'pagar' ur house la, baca ayat2 kursi and stuff, panggil je imam mana2 buat 'pagar', so that the house will be more well protected. pukau2 ni,tak tahu la betul ke tak, tapi orang tua2 cakap kena bela ikan puyu, coz apparently puyu tak tido, and pukau wont work if ade makhluk tak tido lagi dalam rumah time nak pukau tuh.of course,jangan percaya sangat,nanti khurafat dowh.and kurang ajar punya pencuri,mentang2 harga minyak dah turun,sedap2 je sapu minyak semue kat tangan, tahu la duit banyak dapat, jangan ah membazir.cis..

on another note, good for ur fren to be his dad's side when he passed away, and he did made the right decision to stay back. hopefully what happened to him will give him better strength.errr,probably he should stop eating one egg a day, high cholesterol, not really good for him u know..

~d!N@~ said...

i was 'ooh' and 'ahh'ing reading zul's comment (kagumlah kononnya with his fact) when i finally came to the end bit... regarding stop eating one egg a day - terus x tahan nak gelak. hahaha
anyway my dear ashie, long tyme no see. how's revision going? x lama lagi dah kan nk exam. gambatte to u and lepas ni bila dah free jenguk2lah kitorang 2 beradik nih kat mile end okies. *hugs* xXx

ashieBee said...

::zul:: ha ha ha ngok ngek la uuuuu!!!!! i tgh pakai mask on my face ni terpaksa tahan gelak. org kate nnti lebih berkedut if gelak time tgh pakai :P bluekkkkk. oh i dgr jugak pasal ikan puyu. i rase yg penting kene banyak baca ayat2 and quran all the time kot. bagi pendinding sket ;)) annddd i think wut his mum meant to say was, time exam tu makan telur for breakfast. it helps to stimulate ur brain or something along that line laa...i dun think he makan like EVERYDAY. but then he a bit berisi now. urmm. hehehee. but hey, tak boleh ke makan sebiji telur setiap hari?

::dina:: saya stress :(( nnti saya habis exam, kamu due beradik wajib masak makanan sedap2 utk i melantak :P ha ha ha. eh dina, u still dkt southend ke ape dong?