October 21, 2008

green light to pms-ing?

"i'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. i'm out of control and at times i'm hard to handle. but if you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

- marilyn monroe-

i notice that, it is easier to get annoyed when you're under pressure and all stressed up. you get moody, bitchy, rude, easily irritated over small matter. i guess it's normal to feel all that when shittos happens. but you have no right to release your anger to any random person around you.


Anonymous said...

agree agree agree..

but things just happen... akan ter-burst out jugak although kita try nak tahan.. betul tak? especially kat family (most of the time)... :( :( :(

ashieBee said...

i knowwwwww...kadang2 u don't really mean what u said. but u've said it already. then rasa guilty like hell. sigh.

that is why lah org ckp bile mrh, bawa beristighfar banyak2. mengucap. tarik nafas panjang2. and bertenang.

but easier said than being done, ey?
