On the eve of the Year of RAT, I went to watch Sound of Music musical theater with fellow QMarians. I enjoyed every bits and pieces of it. Full of nostalgia. I lurvveee the movie. Watched it 3 times kot :)) Lurf Lurf!
Had potluck Chinese New Year dinner just now in Flat B. i made modified version of Siu Mai dumplings.
Food banyak giler pls. Unfortunately I was wayyy to tired to eat everything. It's been a long, long day today *sigh* But anyhow, I spent a quality time catching up with them. Sbb nowadays we only see everyone on Wednesday IF that week ade lecture. Laughed alot. Snapped LOADS of picchas; the candid one, the poyo one, the sexy pout one, and group photo one.
Note: Look at Eric's hand...scandal baru in Floyer **peaceee**
First shot : Mission --> Block F; Ratu Posing dpn camera from interfrem!
Second shot: F masuk, M tersingkir!
Third shot: M still missing and yours truly were not ready. Not quite. heh.
Final shot: Tenyeh kepala E. Yeay, M is in. But only half of H can be seen. Malas oready to take new one. Sorry H! heheehhee
And now everybody has their own personal SSP programme; the one that fits the individual needs *winkwink*. Miss H - Super Slim Programme. Miss M - Super Sexy Programme. Miss A - Smooth Skin Programme. Miss Y - Super Starbucks Programme / Super Shopping Programme. Miss F - Sapu Semua Programme (...cos she wants abit of everything in her prog.hehehe)
I had a good,lovely evening. Wishing everybody good health, good wealth.
Had potluck Chinese New Year dinner just now in Flat B. i made modified version of Siu Mai dumplings.
I had a good,lovely evening. Wishing everybody good health, good wealth.
sengal la you ashie.. hahahah! best jugak gmbar2 tu. =D
everybody around me SUKE GILER amik gambar ok!!!! hehehehe
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