January 05, 2008

Wedding bell

It looks like most of my cousins are getting married this year :)) And few close friends too! *wootwoot* Unfortunately, I'm in the far far away land. The biggest disadvantage of studying abroad is that you'll missed the big events of your loved ones... I've missed few weddings and I'm gonna miss hell alot more. arrrghhhhhhh frustnyeeeee >__<

On a happier note, i've compiled all the picchas from the winter break and i've picked and choose which one to publish. I bagitau kan yang I went to Milan followed by Nice, France. Milan was sooooooo buhsan ok! Nothing interesting about the city except for the factory outlets located somewhere outside Milan city itself. The hostel that we stayed at was the dodgy-est place i've ever lived in *I swear i lebih rela bayar lebih for a place that is safer+cleaner*. There were too many dramas along the way. Lets not recap that; shall we?

But oooooohhhh, i lurf the French Riviera on the Cote d'Azur. Subhanallah sangatlah chanteks!!!! So i shall save that for another post yeah??? As for now, i'll jamu u all with some shots when I was in Milano; the shopping city :))


Anonymous said...

hah..loceng dah bunyi.. kali ni bukan masa rehat tapi masa utk kawin..u bile nak kawin?

diana said...

Rashidahh!! Seriously semua orang tgh nak kawin2. While they have kids, I baru nak habis sekolah kot. Hahaha. Hey I want in on your "privatised" blog :o) wolfiphantom@gmail.com

Best nya camera itu..

ashieBee said...

yerp3 semua nak kawin dahhhhhh!!!! u bile pulak???? nnti kawin ajak i. eventho we actually dh lama giler tk jumpeeee. ahahahahahha!