January 30, 2008

Butt naked

Currently i'm a medical-student-for-a-week. Kene berpura-pura jadi medical student i.e. do ward round and clerk patient, do head&neck examination, belajar take blood, take blood pressure and follow consultant dekat hospital.

1. Letih sebab kene bangun awal to commute to the hospital. 2. Penat ikut bontot consultant. 3.Dah malas kene hunt patient untuk amik patient history. 4.Medicine buhsaaaaan! tk banyak hands-on mcm dentistry.Kene diri lama2, takley duduk...tak macam dentistry. 5.I tk faham why lah we kene buat all these*sigh*

ooooo this morning, i saw something really weally gross :S Was in endoscopy from 9.30-1.30. Was standing for the bloody 4 hours then baru the consultant released me. And i'm not even a pure, true medical student. What benefits do i gain by looking at 5 butts and their poo???? Free-free I got kentut-ed on my face. Luckily it was odour-less. hehehe :))

1st patient im sooo semangat, wanna know how on earth this endoscopy works. 2nd patient still ok lagi, semangat still ada. 3rd patient "i think i need fresh air. I feel like fainting." 4th patient "ahmagad asal la usus orang ni panjang sangat???"kept looking at the clock. 5th patient im physically in the theater but the mind wasn't working at all. zero. elek pochiiik! And kenelah kan the tummy won't open so the thing can't go it and cant see and sooo lamaaaa. aiyoyoyoyo :S

Cepatlah minggu ni habis!!!! I can't wait for the weekend *winkwink*


Husna said...

haha.jahat la u tauuuu ckp medicine is boringg...heloo nanti u sakit nak terberanak jumpe doctors jugak okayyyy!!!

but since im doing O&G, and ramai gile O&Gist ckp they hate medicine becaue its so wide whilst O&G is so straigtfwd, ye la buat vaginal exam tgk os bukak, beranak, bleeding, c-section, infertility..basically senang la not as merepek like medicine. i also dah rase that way, haha how lah nanti rotation medicine.

tp the key to a good history taking is to be systematic la. still learning.

nape u kena wat that rotation btw?

Anonymous said...

now u understand why i always skip from going to hospital...

ashieBee said...

ok fine fine, maybe tk buhsan la utk org yg passionate about it. but na'ah, i have no passion la weii ikut org, tgk patient tanye skt ape which kadang2 patient tu sendiri mcm confused dgn penyakit sendiri :P hehehehe. but yeah, it's way tooo wide. banyak giler benda. camane weii korang belajar???? i loike dentistry sbb dh specialise :)) gigi, muka dan kepala. hehehehe.

and pls, dont ask me why im doing this rotation thingy. it's just compulsory! hahahahaha. the tutor said, u want to become a dentist who knows more than dental stuff. medical student know nothing about dentistry. so now can show off lor coz we know both. kekekeke. lawak giler doctor tuh :P

zullllll, u pemalas ok! you mmg kene pergi hospital. me.. well, im not doctor badan to begin with. iskh3. i rase penat jd doctor sbb jalan, diri byk sangaaaaaaaat!!!! :(( i org tue, kenot berdiri lama2 pls :P kekekekekeke

Anonymous said...

budak amik medic (dentist,optometrist,etc) mmg rutin die cam tu ek? jumpe patients etc..takes tons of effort when u've to walk around meet patients and such...(i tgh senyum sorang2)

ive a girl friend who's much like u also.

gambatte syg! :)

h.3.l.3.n said...

yalo.. buat benda ini tak berkait wit wad we r doing.. in dentistry, u wait there, patient come u, u cabut his gigi..Done, patient happy.. NExt!

medical stuff ni.. go round round round cari patient ask same same thing stand stand stand.. adoi...

ashieBee said...

last week passed already~wohoo~ this week back to normal dental life. oso pack *sigh* summer hols come quick, wanna go back home. malaysia. :(( tp ticket balik pon takde lagi. aiyoyoyo :'(