August 21, 2007

The EXTREMES : Love HIM or Loathe HIM

Love him when he......wears clean clothes, smells good even hours after shower, offers a help without you asking for it, calls you eventhough he's busy having a great time with his friends, asks about your day, comes running to you immediately after u texted him all your trouble, calls to check on you whether you are alright, send you home after the date, laughs like a happy lil kid, makes stupid jokes to cheer u up, makes you feel like it's ok to eat MORE, gives positive suprises, gives you the "im being loved" feeling, protects you from any harm, makes you his princess :)

Hate him when he....leaves a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, stinks, spends way too much time with his football, ignores you, said that you have gained weight or your breath smell or how ugly your outfit is, thinks that he's better than you because he's a guy, makes you wait for his phonecalls, forgets to call and say "I miss you", doesn't allow you to read the map, is late for a date, refuses to repeat for the second, third or fourth time, makes ALL the decisions for you, sees you as a girl and nothing more than that, laugh AT you not WITH you, underestimate you ability because you are a girl, treats you like you're his servant!

**This is not just about my bofwen! It was based on my observation on guys; daddy, bros, bofwen, guy friends blablabla. Feel free to add more to the list if you can think of any :)**


Hafizah said...

jari2 u sangat lah kecik n kurus if compared to mujeds! *peace mujed*

ashieBee said...

eh datin, manade jari i kecik! panjang please??? but definitely thinner than mujid's lah. hehehehe :P

shakirah said...

i dun mind the footie stuff ;) owh wait...maybe i do a teeeny weeeeny bit when guys become ridiculously moody because of a loss, even tho it's SO CLEAR that the team main mcm budak sekolah.

babe, u dah lama tak update blog then u update n put more pics of food??? *salivates*... dun la tempt me like this... heeeee....

ashieBee said...

hiiiiiii shak!!!!!!

dah lama tak "chat" with u through the blog...hehehe :) how ru babe????? urmmm dah agak dah u tak kisah pasal footie. hehehe u can tolerate it if u have the same interest kan? as for me, i think it's written clearly on my forehead "i know NOTHING bout football"!!!! ahahahaha. i dun mind if mujid nak explain... but haritu time world cup we were watching ntah team ape lah and i mcm tk faham why yaddi yadda...and the boys malas explain *sigh* nwy, a'ah mujid pun kadang2 jd moody bile team kalah. i guess the boys pun ade their "pms" moment la..... hehehehehe!

and ooooo, i've been eating alot alot alot lately! that explains the foodie update. but havent been baking lar....rindu the oven *sigh*