"Love is everything it's cracked up to be...It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for."
Erica Jong
It seems like everybody around me keep on talking about the same thing::L-O-V-E:: Everybody wonders when will they meet their Mr.Right.How to make a guy notice them.Bla bla bla... the list of questions will go on and on and on. Sometimes i wonder, what are they worried about? We're only 20, going on 21 this year. Still 5 more years to go before you walk through the altar. But come to think about it, i'm seeing someone right now...so i cant really say that i understand their feelings. Tapi tapi.... little did they know that actually those in a relationship also have their own worries???
Yang single cakap," Why ar most of the time the guy that I like doesnt like me ar?" Don't like or they-like-you-but-didnt-give-enough-sign?Shy(???) to make the first-move or they're just NOT that into you? *I know taj will said the second one!nyahnyahnyah!* Wutever it is, do you think it worth to wait for them? Or just simply forget them, look forwards and open your round,big eyes wider....Perhaps there's a better choice waiting for you ;) Quote YinHui, "Widen your choices and opportunities." Tapi tapi....why lar everytime we want to forget the guy, time tulah die nak text la, tanya khabar lar.... crap333 coz it gives the girl more hopes. Riighhtttt???
Those yang dah berpunya pulak would say "How to maintain the relationship nihhh". Wahhhh, i tell you ar... it's bloody hard. The longer you know that person, the flaws will be MORE obvious. So you have to learn to live with it; eventhough sometimes i think it is soo not like those "Boyfriend-material lists" you used to look at once upon a time ago. Probably if you still hold on to those lists, you might get more cross than tick ;) Not only that, the longer you're in a relationship, the pressure from your peers will also increases. People put high expectation on your relationship(macam diorang tahu jer the real things that actually happen between the 2 lovebirds). If you're thinking of backing off the relationship, bukannye the guy yang will come pujuk you but it'll be the friends yang serang you!!! serious.
....maybe your relationship last longer than you have expected and maybe it's time to move a step further ::Mariage:: wow... this 'lil word gives a BIG meaning in my life dictionary.It gives me goosebumps. When people said that marriage can bring the couple closer, i think its a big lie. WHY??? Let me tell you one thing," Love is like the process of boiling water in the kettle. It increases when heated. Until it reaches the boiling point (which is marriage) slowly the hot water will cool down. It'll return to the room temperature.Cold." Got that from "It started with a kiss" Taiwan series. I think it's quite true because i cant imagine how can you retain the feeling you have now towards the same guy for the next 20 years? Aiyoo.... boleh kah? Maybe in some couple but not all....kan? Some marriage might end up into broken family (minta jauh...amin!). I might not be ready for that NOW but someday, i want to build my own family someday...insyallah :)
Today a friend of mine informed me about her engagement, i was like 'Whoa'..*gulp* i was afraid for her!!! But anyhow, i'll always pray for her happiness...goodluck dear. I still think that we're too young to be a wife to a guy but actually ramai je kawan2 i dah kawin. Siap dah ade baby lagi tuh... nyahnyahnyah! Sometimes i wonder, doesnt she feel like she wasted her younger years; where she's free to enjoy her single life with her friends? Hmm...tp tulah, maybe she preferred the pungent smell of baby diapers and the tangisan nyaring of her baby? -lol-
Yang single cakap," Why ar most of the time the guy that I like doesnt like me ar?" Don't like or they-like-you-but-didnt-give-enough-sign?Shy(???) to make the first-move or they're just NOT that into you? *I know taj will said the second one!nyahnyahnyah!* Wutever it is, do you think it worth to wait for them? Or just simply forget them, look forwards and open your round,big eyes wider....Perhaps there's a better choice waiting for you ;) Quote YinHui, "Widen your choices and opportunities." Tapi tapi....why lar everytime we want to forget the guy, time tulah die nak text la, tanya khabar lar.... crap333 coz it gives the girl more hopes. Riighhtttt???
Those yang dah berpunya pulak would say "How to maintain the relationship nihhh". Wahhhh, i tell you ar... it's bloody hard. The longer you know that person, the flaws will be MORE obvious. So you have to learn to live with it; eventhough sometimes i think it is soo not like those "Boyfriend-material lists" you used to look at once upon a time ago. Probably if you still hold on to those lists, you might get more cross than tick ;) Not only that, the longer you're in a relationship, the pressure from your peers will also increases. People put high expectation on your relationship(macam diorang tahu jer the real things that actually happen between the 2 lovebirds). If you're thinking of backing off the relationship, bukannye the guy yang will come pujuk you but it'll be the friends yang serang you!!! serious.
....maybe your relationship last longer than you have expected and maybe it's time to move a step further ::Mariage:: wow... this 'lil word gives a BIG meaning in my life dictionary.It gives me goosebumps. When people said that marriage can bring the couple closer, i think its a big lie. WHY??? Let me tell you one thing," Love is like the process of boiling water in the kettle. It increases when heated. Until it reaches the boiling point (which is marriage) slowly the hot water will cool down. It'll return to the room temperature.Cold." Got that from "It started with a kiss" Taiwan series. I think it's quite true because i cant imagine how can you retain the feeling you have now towards the same guy for the next 20 years? Aiyoo.... boleh kah? Maybe in some couple but not all....kan? Some marriage might end up into broken family (minta jauh...amin!). I might not be ready for that NOW but someday, i want to build my own family someday...insyallah :)
Today a friend of mine informed me about her engagement, i was like 'Whoa'..*gulp* i was afraid for her!!! But anyhow, i'll always pray for her happiness...goodluck dear. I still think that we're too young to be a wife to a guy but actually ramai je kawan2 i dah kawin. Siap dah ade baby lagi tuh... nyahnyahnyah! Sometimes i wonder, doesnt she feel like she wasted her younger years; where she's free to enjoy her single life with her friends? Hmm...tp tulah, maybe she preferred the pungent smell of baby diapers and the tangisan nyaring of her baby? -lol-
"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."
Dave Meurer
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