March 24, 2006

Overboard opps!

If your friend is facing problems, what can you do to ease her burden?Lend your ear when she feel like 'spitting out' the details? Offer your shoulder for her to cry on? Staying by her side no matter what happen? Stand up for her when the whole world says that she's guilty. Give advices to her?

Regarding the giving advices thingy, how honest can you be while giving your advices? If you ckp sikit (to avoid being honest lar kan..), she'll think that you're not thinking hard enough. As if you're not interested, and jawab sekadar melepaskan batuk di tangga. On the other hand, if you're being sincere with her and tell her exactly what you think, she'll think that you're dominating her. You have bad perceptions on her and maybe,she feels like you're controling her. Telling her what to do and all.

Everything in life is sooo ironic. One day you seek for advices, then another day you called the person giving advices to you "Miss Super Everything".

omg. First ar, u came to me and seek for advices. I didnt force you to accept it like 100%. You're smart. You should be able to think which is right and which is wrong. Im just giving out my perspective on these matters (btw incase you have forgotten, u asked me to think about it! actually i can choose nak dgr ke tak la kan!). I was mad when she said that. Kecik hati kot. Some people just simply say what's on their mind, without considering about others feelings.

But Rashidah is sooo not the type yang get mad easily. Made some deep thinking on it, and maybe i did go overboard. I mean, for someone who got broke up with a not-very-peaceful-ending, how can i ever thought of asking her to forget that guy easily? Quote "Only time can heal the broken heart". Maybe i was being a bit hard on her. Maybe i shouldnt have said anything. Let her choose her own pathway. If its wrong and she gets hurt for the second time, i'll be there to support her again. Maybe when that time comes, will she blame me for not telling her not to do that? wallahualam.....

Wutever it is,i cant forsee the future. What will happens in the future, nobody knows about it for now. I might say something and it might works the other way basically life is about trying an error. The process is hard, coz you might fall and get hurt. But no harm of trying riiiteee???? So to the person out there (you know who you are!), i menyusun sepuluh jari, memohon ampun dan maaf....andai kata ade tersilap kata dan terkasar bahasa *mcm minta maaf utk hari raya lar plaks. nyahnyahnyah* -peace-

"Dont walk infront of me, i may not follow.
Dont walk behind me, i may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend."

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